You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
But seriously; a "mistake" is usually something that cannot be foreseen by a group of people reasonably talented in the state of the art.
This product release was so far from a "mistake", that it isn't funny. It was spectacularly well tested, found to be operating within design parameters, and was released to great fanfare.
They expressed delight in their product, and actually seemed surprised that there was a backlash by the great benighted unwashed masses of their lessers, who clearly couldn't be expected to understand the elevated insights being produced by their creation!
So: not a "mistake". Institutional Bias, baked into a model. Remember: a system's purpose is what is does, not what you think it is supposed to do.
As someone who works either these models as an engineer, I think it's important to understand that a feature implemented as part of the user-facing UI to a model is irrelevant to the work I do with that model via an API.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
But seriously; a "mistake" is usually something that cannot be foreseen by a group of people reasonably talented in the state of the art.
This product release was so far from a "mistake", that it isn't funny. It was spectacularly well tested, found to be operating within design parameters, and was released to great fanfare.
They expressed delight in their product, and actually seemed surprised that there was a backlash by the great benighted unwashed masses of their lessers, who clearly couldn't be expected to understand the elevated insights being produced by their creation!
So: not a "mistake". Institutional Bias, baked into a model. Remember: a system's purpose is what is does, not what you think it is supposed to do.