One of the Apple bigwigs made a self-deprecating joke about this at a recent Apple event. I forgot which one, but it was something like "annd... you can now even set more than one timer. Will technological wonders never cease!"
I thought it was interesting because a.) it showed they were aware of how common the frustration was, and b.) man it takes the world's leading tech company a lonnnnnng time to implement a feature that is about as simple as features get, if it isn't one they invented themselves.
I carried an Android daily for this use case, since I use multiple timers throughout the day. I appreciate that they acknowledged, even if in a tounge-in-cheek way, that this should have happened sooner.
The delivery of that line, deadpan, was so well-done I laughed out loud. That's why I rememebered it, even though I don't personally ever need to set multiple timers.
I thought it was interesting because a.) it showed they were aware of how common the frustration was, and b.) man it takes the world's leading tech company a lonnnnnng time to implement a feature that is about as simple as features get, if it isn't one they invented themselves.