It is cool to have different abbrev. for Meet-in-the-Middle and Man-in-the-Middle, it was both MitM before and sometimes cause confusion. But reading 'People-in-the-Middle' I also feel offended to the same level when people try to find alternative terms for pseudo-terminal (pty) master and pty slave.
That’s a lot of words to complain about someone adding a syllable.
But no, it turns out that your actual problem is you believe being interested in gender-neutral language makes you a member of “an extreme leftist cult”.
Well the attacker might very well not be a man. Besides the inclusivity thing it would be helpful not to jump to conclusions regarding any detail of the attacker if you try to investigate an attack.
You know what's funny? I'm always just barely interested in changes like this (git "master" to "main" f.ex.) and I would probably simply not care enough to rename my repos to main.
Then I read something like your comment and think to myself, that I really don't want to support your side of this argument and I start using whatever "newspeak" someone made up.
Do you genuinely think investigators would assume that they are dealing with a man based on that term? Hyphens included even? At that rate the attacker might as well just state he ( or she ;) didn't do it and we can just close the case right away.