> MPS - Vietnam's KGB. they hold the actual cards in Vietnam. whenever you go to any town, village, or city in Vietnam the biggest building is always the MPS building (even the local VCP's building is smaller)
I noticed this when visiting.
Go through a smaller town and you'll see old beat up buildings from decades ago, beat to crap roads or just unpaved, a bunch of small stores and restaurants, then suddenly a massive property (10-20x the side of a typical home lot) with a massive parking lot, fancy imaculate building that looks like it's pressure washed every morning and look up and it's the MPS.
I noticed this when visiting.
Go through a smaller town and you'll see old beat up buildings from decades ago, beat to crap roads or just unpaved, a bunch of small stores and restaurants, then suddenly a massive property (10-20x the side of a typical home lot) with a massive parking lot, fancy imaculate building that looks like it's pressure washed every morning and look up and it's the MPS.
You can pretty clearly see who has the money.