> For some reason, for some people, it's very important to insist that "no, you can't change your own stickiness" - if you are poor, you are poor.
Commies want everybody to think that class warfare is the only solution to their problems. They lose their composure whenever somebody points out that individual determination and responsibility have proven effectiveness. I almost fell for their ruse and but pulled myself out of it and have turned my life around. Screw their crab bucket hell.
Because it's a foundational belief for many on the left to believe that a) the world is fundamentally unjust but b) because of a system that c) creates and perpetuates successful and unsuccessful people. If you counter the narrative that a 'system' is involved, it must be that you are some hyper individualist.
The truth is that it is both true that there is a 'system' - in the sense that large groupings of independent organisms self organize into an emergent property that behaves with 'rules' that appear like a systemic thing - and also that individuals are not equal in capacity. From will, to intelligence, to resourcefulness, to bravery, to then the more nefarious luck, and many other factors, some people succeed and some fail.
The 'systemic' emphasis, at the exclusion of any and all other factors, is the problem, here, as it's a reductionism.
There is no objective scientific measure to disprove political ideals - you can't prove or disprove that capitalism, or socialism are good or bad. And you can certainly not falsify any claims of "systemic." These are claims of values masquerading as science and objective facts.
Commies want everybody to think that class warfare is the only solution to their problems. They lose their composure whenever somebody points out that individual determination and responsibility have proven effectiveness. I almost fell for their ruse and but pulled myself out of it and have turned my life around. Screw their crab bucket hell.