I love ruby and rails, but agile Daily-Stand-ups (DSU) are a pain in the butt. I have a hard time remembering what to share; what I did yesterday, one-offs I did the day before because I completely forgot. Anyhow, I created this really lovely little, but powerful ruby gem, called dsu. Currently, we're a small, but dedicated band of users who love the tool. You may love it also. If anyone wants to give it a try. Enjoy:
Visit the dsu ruby gem wiki: https://github.com/gangelo/dsu/wiki
Straight to rubygems.org: https://rubygems.org/gems/dsu
I get it may not be as clear as this tool, but then again you could always do it five minutes before your stand up and jot it all down on a post it note.. one less tool to depend on.
I admit, I also made a tool like this before.. so I totally get it.