They can campaign against EVs, and their propaganda isn't any worse than the pro-EV propaganda that's circled around, most of which ignore very inconvenient facts around the cost-value of EVs. Given that, I have no problem with Toyota being anti-EVs and handing out information on why they are.
Savannah and Brunswick are huge car export ports because many manufacturing facilities are spread out between South Carolina and Georgia: Volvo, Mercedes, BMW, Honda, KIA to name a few. These ports are also the largest on the Eastern seaboard of the US. So access to shipping is probably one of the main reasons. Also major demographic shifts to the Southeastern part of the US help supply the labor pool.
Georgia and South Carolina tend to be the poorest states. The Poverty rate is around 14.5% for both. Compare that to California where the poverty rate is 12.5%. Though the poverty rate is lower, California has more people in poverty than Georgia and South Carolina combined. Anyway, using the word "impoverished" is grossly misleading.
It looks like your "wall" would line up with where most of the racist folks I've met in the South would choose to put it: where the old plantations used to be which are now mostly Black, rural, and poor.
I'll note CA has equally illiterate areas. It looks like it's the current agricultural centers, just like the South, so I guess you'll be pushing to have California pushed into the ocean once we're unable to grow crops there too and those workers are no longer useful to your wealthy area? Seems like you might be the type of thinking that got us in this problem originally.
No, it's because Georgia is very aggressively courting large manufacturers with "phantom bonds" and "bond for title" deals.
Problem is, it's not paying off - the state isn't benefiting overall from it, and as soon as they stop providing these sweetheart tax breaks and freebies, comopanies will pull up and move to the next state willing to do so
Have you ever been to the south? The down votes are because your position is asinine.
It's more likely that southern states are willing to throw huge incentive packages to these manufacturers. Probably not so much on the coasts or the northern states.
Also, unions are less common in the south; those states tend to be right-to-work states.
Finally, you used the word "impoverished", which is ridiculous. But wages are lower in the south so that is probably another reason.