I'm guessing others have this experience, the uncle who's the hardware salesman who thinks your sitting at home for the last 12 months and is loud about it, the relative who just nods and looks a bit sad when you tell them what you're doing. All folk who know nothing about startups, IT and what the process is, and with christmas coming I'm dreading it.
Has anyone hit on a magic formula to explain what you're doing in your startup so they'll leave you alone and stop suggesting maybe you can get a job in uncle bob's shop? / you did so well at school / and so on.
Grandma: What the heck is a TicketStumbler? Are you still just playing at the computer all day?
Me: Oh, have you been to our site Grandma?
Grandma: No.
Me: Well Grandma, have you ever heard of Expedia, Kayak or Orbitz?
Grandma: No.
Me: What about Bizrate or Pricegrabber?
Grandma: No.
Me: Hmm...well essentially what we do is take sports & concert tickets from all over the internet and put them on one website. So instead of going to multiple websites you can just go to one. You know how you put all your recipe cards in one place? Well we do that, but with tickets.
Grandma: Oh I see. Well, that's nice dear; would you like a beer while you work? Or how about some more candy?
Me: I love you Grandma.