Another user put it well that it's a _novel_ experience unlike anything else. To have a couple layers of your ego, bias, and preconceptions shed off for a few hours to see the world, yourself, your life, your thoughts, and everything else in a new lens that you may have forgotten how to see, while your mind runs on a overclock for a brief period with a little extra randomness/creativity. If you are a 'thinker', and able to get yourself over the 'hard drugs' concept, then you should try it if you have access and just see if you like what comes of it.
I like the metaphor of the mountain ski slope, where our minds have our regular thought patterns/trails that we are used to using and LSD is like a fresh load of snow that let's your mind explore and create new pathways in the slopes! This doesn't mean you will come out in 10 hours as a different person, but you will have had a new perspective and that's always enlightening in some way, however simple it may be.
Taking one tab of 100ug for me is never a full 'tripping' experience where I feel out of control and I think most people can try this and enjoy it without much to worry about. There's minimal mental and visual effects and at the peak for 1-2 hours or so you'll get a taste of what LSD is about. If you have a pleasurable experience then up the dose by 25ug every 4 months until 150 or so to get a better trip where things aren't out of control at the peaks but you have a good time. Then when you're comfortable you can do a yearly trip/meditation session out in nature, the shore, or a nice view. The mental state is really unlike anything else for me and being nonaddictive is so nice as I can just go a whole year without using it with no mental effort. Unlike where with weed where my brain equates it with a dopamine response and I'll get thoughts to go smoke even though I'm no regular user.
I like the metaphor of the mountain ski slope, where our minds have our regular thought patterns/trails that we are used to using and LSD is like a fresh load of snow that let's your mind explore and create new pathways in the slopes! This doesn't mean you will come out in 10 hours as a different person, but you will have had a new perspective and that's always enlightening in some way, however simple it may be.
Taking one tab of 100ug for me is never a full 'tripping' experience where I feel out of control and I think most people can try this and enjoy it without much to worry about. There's minimal mental and visual effects and at the peak for 1-2 hours or so you'll get a taste of what LSD is about. If you have a pleasurable experience then up the dose by 25ug every 4 months until 150 or so to get a better trip where things aren't out of control at the peaks but you have a good time. Then when you're comfortable you can do a yearly trip/meditation session out in nature, the shore, or a nice view. The mental state is really unlike anything else for me and being nonaddictive is so nice as I can just go a whole year without using it with no mental effort. Unlike where with weed where my brain equates it with a dopamine response and I'll get thoughts to go smoke even though I'm no regular user.
That's my 6 cents, hope it was useful to someone.