>I suspect Tasha has done more and gone further in her life than you will, and your tone indicates anger at this.
Well this sure seems unnecessary. I’m saying this because I googled her name when this happened, and the only articles I could find referenced her husband. I wasn’t seeing any of this work you’re talking about, at least not anything that would seem relevant. Can you link to some stuff?
Btw, I think “university trained prior executive” describes not just me but almost every single person on HN. “Involved in a non profit related to their work” I suspect also describes me and probably >90% of people posting on HN.
And also; maybe you haven’t been involved in non profit boards? “Spouse of famous/rich/etc” person is an extremely common reason to put somebody on a board for a practical reason: it helps with fundraising and exposure.
i know it is fun to deride people, but i suspect Tasha has done more and gone further in her life than you will, and your tone indicates anger at this