Can you illustrate this with examples? Ones that are from outside of the Unix and C family, just to make it clear that we aren't talking about tweaks to old tools?
Examples of what ? Also, what exactly do you mean by "outside of the Unix and C family" ?
(note: if you want examples of compilers that have `#pragma once` then I don't know what to say because I'd be hard-pressed to name a compiler that does not support it - similar situation w.r.t. header-guard detection)
> pretty much every compiler since the 90s has support for `#pragma once`
I asked for examples.
Specifically I am asking for examples that are not C compilers, do not compile languages derived from or related to C, and which do not run on Unix-like OSes, because what we are talking about here is what came after Unix. Plan 9 is effectively Unix 2.0: it is what the people who designed and built Unix did next.
Inferno is Unix 3.0. It's what they did after Plan 9.
Tweaks to the project that they had moved on from (or clones thereof, e.g. Linux) are not particularly interesting or relevant in this context, IMHO.
> Specifically I am asking for examples that are not C compilers, do not compile languages derived from or related to C, and which do not run on Unix-like OSes, because what we are talking about here is what came after Unix. Plan 9 is effectively Unix 2.0: it is what the people who designed and built Unix did next.
You want me to cite compilers that don't compile C that support a C extension ? And you want the language it compiles to be completely unrelated to C ?
Frankly, I'd already be quite hard-pressed to even cite a compiler that compiles a language that is completely unrelated to C in the first place and doesn't run on any Unix-like OSes (I guess maybe something like cmd.exe (...though it's an interpreter, not even a compiler) or some assembler written entirely in assembly - I think there's a few I've seen for Windows (though an assembler isn't typically considered much of a compiler) or something like that ? Does Windows even count as "not Unix-like" ? Does Wine mean it runs on Unix-like OSes ?)
This just makes your criteria seem like it can't match any compiler at all, quite frankly, unless you're asking to trawl through truly ancient stuff from the 60s that I wouldn't even be able to test at all in the first place (since by the criteria you've given it must not be able to run on my laptop)
Also, I'll add that you're likely to be correct in the most literal sense - I don't expect many compilers for languages that don't directly descend from C to include anything like `#pragma once`, because they're using a completely different model from C: almost no languages these days use "copy-paste" style file inclusion to handle libraries, and if they do anything like that, `#pragma once` is implied and never needs to be manually specified.
But in practice, `#pragma once` allows C libraries headers to work just like in many other languages - they can freely include other libraries without forcing the user to do so themselves manually.
Just imagine if you had to follow the Plan 9 C scheme on other languages, imagine if everyone that did `import argparse` in Python had to then add `import os`, `import re`, `import gettext`, `import warnings` and `import sys` because `argparse` can't do it itself without fear of double inclusion (...and then you'd also have to manually add `import abc`, `import stat`, `import enum`, `import functools`, `import unicodedata`, `import copyreg`, `import posix`, `import posixpath`, `import nt`, `import ntpath`, `import subprocess`, `import io`, `import locale`, `import builtins`, `import linecache`, `import tracemalloc`, `import traceback`, `import types`, `import operator`, `import reprlib`, `import collections`, `import weakref`, `import typing`, `import genericpath`, `import pwd`, `import errno`, `import time`, `import signal`, `import threading`, `import contextlib`, `import fcntl`, `import msvcrt`, `import select`, `import selectors`, `import grp`, `import encodings`, `import tokenize`, `import fnmatch`, `import pickle`, `import itertools`, `import textwrap`, `import keyword`, `import atexit`, `import gc`, etc. as the nested dependencies of os/re/gettext/warnings/sys/etc.)... I can't imagine anyone would consider that a good thing.
Thanks. You inadvertently completely confirm the point that I was seeking to validate.
> You want me to cite compilers that don't compile C that support a C extension ?
There are, hmm, I am not sure, at least 2, probably 3, and I suspect more than 3 assumptions in here.
#0, general context:
The bigger picture here is that there is a whole world of OS and language development which is completely outside the world of Unix, C, and things that derive, directly or indirectly from it.
However, the Unix+C world is so big, so commercially successful, that a lot of people in it can't see that there is anything else. To quote Gaiman and Pratchett, it's the same as the reason that "people in Trafalgar Square can't see England".
#1. Plan 9 is not a Unix. It's what came after Unix. As such, I would say it's fair to say that Plan 9 C is not plain ol' Unix C. While the Unix flavour of C has continued on its own path, it's a very conservative path: it's terrified of breaking backwards compatibility. The developers of Plan 9 were not scared like this, and quite cheerfully made big sweeping changes.
#2. So, yes, I would consider that carefully implementing and adding what you yourself call an extension to an existing compiler (or set or family of compilers, it doesn't really matter) is not the same thing as redefining the semantics of a language to say "you are not allowed recursive includes".
One is a big sweeping change; the other is a minor tweak.
#4. The core, important point here is that Plan 9 made significant changes which in places have big ramifications — for instance, performance improvements on the order of several orders of magnitude — simply by tightening up the rules around an existing, well known language. IMHO, adding a new compiler directive is not comparable to this.
Adding a new directive is patching a hole, while changing the rules of how the languages compiled is fixing the design. What I was enquiring about was other designs that fix this problem in the core design of traditional compilers, in other words UNIX C and its descendants.
> And you want the language it compiles to be completely unrelated to C ?
Well, yes! Why not? There are lots of them!
> Frankly, I'd already be quite hard-pressed to even cite a compiler that compiles a language that is completely unrelated to C in the first place and doesn't run on any Unix-like OSes
Really? OK then, let me see how many I can name of the top of my head without googling: Pascal, Lisp, APL, Fortran, Cobol, Algol, BCPL, Forth, Ada, Prolog, Bliss... Okay I'm starting to struggle a little bit now, but I think the point is made.
I wasn't asking for languages that don't run on UNIX. I was asking for languages that weren't built out of UNIX tools. There are legions of languages today that were built pretty much entirely from the existing UNIX toolchain, from Python to JavaScript. My point is that there are dozens to hundreds of languages which are outside of that family.
Plan 9 is, I would argue, outside of that family because it's what came after that family.
Operating systems from outside of the UNIX family? Classic MacOS, AmigaOS, CP/M, MS-DOS, Atari ST TOS, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS, DR FlexOS, Novell Netware, OS/2 and all of its descendants, GEOS, Palm OS, Newton OS, Microware OS9, Interlisp/Medley, OpenVMS, OpenGenera.
And of course basically all mainframe operating systems... Tools that are still worth billions of dollars today, whose daily use affect everyone who uses a bank account or everyone who ever travels on an aeroplane.
So, yeah, a pretty significant technological and economic market segment… and one that UNIX people often totally forget exists at all. As it seems you did.
> I wasn't asking for languages that don't run on UNIX.
That sure is quite a useful precision to make - personally I found what you were asking for confounding given I can't really think of much of any language that doesn't run on UNIX, save for particularly obscure, often long-defunct ones (i.e. languages that basically don't run on anything at all or on stuff I couldn't possibly check out myself anyway). The fact you've also implicitly added the stipulation that only languages that derive from C and not all those that are related to it are excluded is also quite useful - I was excluding languages like BCPL or Algol on that basis (and I was quite iffy on Fortran/Pascal and a few others too, though since most ran on UNIX I wasn't even considering most of them anyway).
Also, while I broadly agree with your point about most people not even thinking stuff outside of Windows/UNIX exists and indeed find it quite acutely accurate in many cases, I'd say I'd hope I wouldn't be counted in it - I could have named most of the OSes and languages you did, save for a few like Microware OS9 or Bliss, simply I did not name the languages when prompted to because I'm not really aware of any that can't run on UNIX-like OSes, which I had then thought you were excluding before you clarified things.
Anyway, I'm aware of my ignorance of many of the details that are involved, but more importantly for what we were discussing, I would find it remarkably unlikely that any of these languages has a dependency handling system quite alike to that which is involved in Plan 9.
Are you actually telling me that you know of many examples of languages and/or compilers that handle dependencies like in Plan 9 ? That want you to manually specify all the dependencies of all the libraries you want to use before you can use that library, and which consider this sane in any way ?
If any actually exist, then I'd expect there's either:
1. Tooling around them specifically made to work around this exact issue by automatically specifying the dependencies when needed without having to spell them out manually
2. Preferred alternatives that don't have this problem in the first place
Meanwhile, the `#pragma once`-style model (i.e. make it so that imported libraries can use a separate library without ending up with asinine "double definition lol" errors if the program that uses the first library also separately uses the second one) seems like the evident standard that all the other languages use, such as:
- Ada
- Fortran
- Pascal
- Cobol
- Algol
- Prolog
within which I've found no examples of needing to do something like `import definitions_every_single_library_or_module_relies_on` and `import definitions_from_the_library_almost_every_single_other_library_or_module_uses` at the top of almost every file.
In general, what I am getting at is that Unix is a (?) uniquely weird situation that happens to have grown like Kudzu. It's an early generation of a long running project, where that early generation caught on and became massive and thus ignores simple but profound improvements from later versions of the same project.
And since in that ecosystem, almost everything is built on a foundation of C, problems with C affect everything layered on top... even though they do not in any other ecosystem. But something like 99% of inhabitants of the ecosystem are not even aware that other ecosystems even exist, let alone knowing anything about them.
If they know of any, it's macOS or Windows. macOS is also UNIX, and modern Windows is NT, which is Windows built with Unix tools and a Unix type design... so they are not really different at all.
So what I am getting at is that Plan 9 has aspects other than the namespaces and the cosmetic aspects of the design. It makes changes to the language and how it's compiled that are just as important, and hacks to gain some of that on modern versions of the parent OS family are not of comparable significance.
Famous quote:
So... the best way to compare programming languages is by analogy to cars. Lisp is a whole family of languages, and can be broken down approximately as follows:
* Scheme is an exotic sports car. Fast. Manual transmission. No radio.
* Emacs Lisp is a 1984 Subaru GL 4WD: "the car that's always in front of you."
* Common Lisp is Howl's Moving Castle.
Comparison: if somehow you make a pruned-down Howl's Moving Castle, you can probably never ever, whatever you do, no matter how much effort you invest, make it into something as small and light as the Subaru, let alone the sports car.
In more detail:
Let's imagine one team invented first the train, then the bicycle, then the car.
The bicycle takes the idea of a wheeled vehicle from the train but reduces it down to an incredibly minimal version. It needs no fuel, just 2 wheels, but it is very simple, very light, and can go almost anywhere.
Although you do need 1 per passenger, it's true, whereas a single carriage train can carry 100 people, you can make 100 bicycles for those 100 people with fewer materials than that 1 train, even excluding consideration of the rails etc.
If someone still making trains looked at bicycles and inspired by them came up with a train with just 2 wheels, that balanced or hung from the track, they do not get to claim that they have successfully imported the simplicity of the bicycle.
They have retained just one aspect and may have achieved savings in moving parts, or slight reduction of complexity, or a slightly simpler machine... but it's still a train.
If you tweak a conventional C compiler to not waste time rereading text that has already been read once, or a disk cache obviates it, then you have not caught up with the advance I am trying to discuss here.
For clarity, this is not my original thinking. This idea is from a Go talk over a decade ago:
Can you illustrate this with examples? Ones that are from outside of the Unix and C family, just to make it clear that we aren't talking about tweaks to old tools?