I always feel guilty that find . | grep <pattern> is easier for me than remembering how find's flags work. But I think it's really a case of my brain rejecting exactly the redundant baggage you're speaking of here.
What's hard about
"find . -regex <regex> -exec <stuff> /;"
Hardest thing that comes to mind is there's some slight portability differences to look out for between GNU find and BSD find that may require a quick man dive with relation to the max depth handling, but that's about it.
You just answered your own question because it's "\;" not "/;". And the "{}" placeholder syntax isn't exactly intuitive either (maybe there is some connection to awk or sed? I only know enough of those to be dangerous).
I've used find extensively in the past two decades and even read the man page (gasp) on occasion, but it's one coreutils command that I have always found cumbersome. I recently discovered fd and I have a feeling that I will be switching to that where I can, muscle memory be damned.