You know, a lot of tech news is about how some company is evil, or how the government is trying to control the internet, and it can really start to depress you. Something about space though, it just makes me optimistic. Thanks for posting.
That's an interesting question. I wonder if it's not also social habit as it would be somewhat awkward to try to talk to someone's feet or if they were sideways to you.
So it seems, but perhaps after a while they would get used to it and new constellations could evolve :-)
Likewise I wonder if the ISS was designed with specific sides for up and down in mind of if all sides are created equal. In the video some signs are visible which seem to be all aligned in the same direction, but what about tools and furniture?
Or, conversely, you could read this as a really happy video about the triumph of human ingenuity in an extremely challenging environment. I guess it's a capillary-cup half empty / half full kind of thing.