Ibram X. Kendi and similar figures' redefinition of racism is the obvious example that comes to mind. I'd love to hear other examples, I'm struggling to think of them.
Even this list itself shows such an example. It calls out the expression "calling a spade a spade" as problematic, and the explanation given is "Although the term has its origins in Greek literature, the subsequent negative connotations with the word "spade" means that the phrase should be used with caution or not at all.". So they are inventing some redefinition of the phrase that could be problematic in order to jettison it.
Note: as a non-native speaker, I have no idea what is problematic about the word "spade". I have only ever seen it to mean either a tool for digging or a type of sword, but I will take them at their word that it does have some other meaning.
This is why lists like this exist. I’m aware of the term and it’s derogatory use. I can see how when used in a professional context it could be harmful. But many people might not be aware, so this list helps build awareness.
Fauci changing the definition of "gain of function" research after it was banned so he could claim he wasn't funding it, when he clearly was under the old definition from the previous year is probably the most blatant recent use of this tactic.
"Up until recently, the NIH website had a section that discussed gain of function research, providing a broad definition of 'a type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers new or enhanced activity to that agent.'
On Oct. 20, the NIH removed that section from its website, replacing it with one that discusses 'enhanced potential pandemic pathogen' research, which it defined as 'research that may be reasonably anticipated to create, transfer or use potential pandemic pathogens resulting from the enhancement of a pathogen’s transmissibility and/or virulence in humans.'"
The research funded was forbidden under the old definition, and so they just changed the definition after they did the research.