Are you certain that it’s “low IQ” that’s causing these failures. Are you failing despite working hard? Because at 23, you’re still young. You have so much more to live.
I don't know if I'm working hard or not, honestly, but I'm afraid of finding out because I probably am, which would imply I am not competitive enough with other people, generally.
I had one of the lowest SAT scores in my class, failed out of an engineering degree despite trying. Why would I not have a low IQ?
I genuinely hope so much to live for, I do, I hold on to hope as dear life allows me to, but comparing myself to my peers, old classmates and everyone makes me feel like someone who probably is a mistake in life.
Hey man. I saw and read your post. I wanted you to know that your life is more inportant. Im 35 years old. No degree work at a warehouse. Also making payment to payment. But I never stop trying. So long as you are alive and breathing always push yourself to believe in you. As I type this, I believe in you.
Thank you, I also wish you the best. I admire your optimism, and it comes from a true place in my heart that I'm sure your hard work will be rewarded soon enough in life :)
You are not low IQ, far from it, you are write well and have a better grasp of English than many others. A lot of highly competent people do not have a college degree or a formal education. Earlier in the thread someone mentioned ADHD, what did your psychologist say?
I think I have a low IQ because I struggle with most higher level logic and math exercises/tasks, in addition to all of what I have mentioned before. Most decent paying jobs in society exist around those skillsets.
My psychologist said I did not have ADHD, simply, and that it's something that medical professionals would've picked up (or at least written down on my medical history) from my exhibited behavior earlier in life.