The $8 plan is such an obvious unforced error that you have to wonder if Elon has anybody pushing back on him. This entire debacle also draws into relief the difference between a product company like Tesla, or Apple, for that matter, and Twitter. Musk can establish a vision for Tesla or SpaceX, and then it’s all about the execution. With Twitter, there’s the vision, then the execution, then the unintentional side-effects. And the personnel who have the crucial seasoning needed to anticipate the side-effects are mostly gone.
He is too arrogant to listen to anyone at Twitter who knows. He's been redpilled into believing the employees are all idiots; it's a major Chesterton's fence moment. Now he's paranoid and untrusting of the remaining engineers, with a company-wide code freeze requiring his personal sign off on any changes. I'll be surprised if the company still exists a year from now.