December is a good time to re-evaluate these sorts of things, and to book time for the ones requiring more effort (learning vim?) since many people have a lull at work at this time of year.
My own contribution to the OP is to encourage everyone to also create a "Pass" list of topics you had on your list but have chosen not to pursue (example in the OP was Shopify templates).
I find I need a list like that to stop my mind from revisiting those "I should learn" topics that I actually don't want to learn.
December is a good time to re-evaluate these sorts of things, and to book time for the ones requiring more effort (learning vim?) since many people have a lull at work at this time of year.
My own contribution to the OP is to encourage everyone to also create a "Pass" list of topics you had on your list but have chosen not to pursue (example in the OP was Shopify templates).
I find I need a list like that to stop my mind from revisiting those "I should learn" topics that I actually don't want to learn.