You get 4-9 images at a time and it takes literally 2 seconds to look and decide which to save. Saying it's "unusable" because you CAN get bad images is missing out..
"representative" is not the same concept as "unusable", so you should not put quotes around that text.
It's like going to the grocery, seeing a bin of beautiful apples and saying "every apple on the tree is beautiful". You can't draw that conclusion because those apples aren't representative of all apples because they went through a filtering process. In this case some one choosing to sell them. Upthread, some one choosing to share them.
I think my primary point, "no one was addressing usability just statistical power" still holds, but I concede your point.
Fun fact, apples grown for market get some level of sun shading to keep them pretty. Too much sun damages their skin and can give them that sort of leathery look. Which now that I think about it is a filter itself, hardly germane anymore though.