I never tried CoffeeScript since nobody pays me for it, though I am curious about ReasonML as an alternative, there's a Neovim front-end[0] coded in Reason that compiles natively[1], and supports existing VS Code plugins from the VSCodium plugin repository[2] which I still have yet to look at how the heck they pulled that bit off, but it is pretty interesting.
My thinking is, not only can I do amazing front-end stuff on the web, but I can do front-end GUI applications that aren't reliant on Electron thanks to OCaml magic.
My thinking is, not only can I do amazing front-end stuff on the web, but I can do front-end GUI applications that aren't reliant on Electron thanks to OCaml magic.
[0]: https://github.com/onivim/oni2#introduction
[1]: https://github.com/revery-ui/revery
[2]: https://open-vsx.org/