Thanks! I've been working hard on it. I got real tired of hearing how the web is lost, or how you can't have build a real business on the web, unless you sell data and/or have VC, and wanting to build the web app we deserve :)
That's a really cool space btw, found some gems in there
Thank you, that give me hope, this is very meaningful work :)
very minor critic: the scrolling performance is not perfect on some boards (note that my 4K screen doewsn't help..)
BTW your app just made me discover the movie "everything everywhere all at once" (yeah I must be living under a rock..) and I'm very hyped given the critics!
are you seeing scroll performance on boards with lots of cards/connections? Or on all boards? I develop Kinopio on a 6k screen so I'd also agree that there's future optimizations I need to do
That's a really cool space btw, found some gems in there