Fellow dane here. I guess i shouldn’t be surprised, it’s just not something I’ve encountered personally yet (that I know of).
Do you know if a bank is obliged to give you your credit score if you ask for it?
I actually don't know if we have to give you the final "credit score". I'm more on the technical infrastructure side. For our project though, it's my impression that we aren't aiming to provide the number to the customer (It's a ranking from 1-10, binned arbitrarily based on internal rules, so practically meaningless to any individual). The credit score can be manually overwritten by individual advisors, and may be adjusted to fit sector wide government mandated risk levels, so its use beyond internal calculations is limited.
We will rather try to provide explanations for specific decisions, so if we deny you a loan we want to be able to tell you what pieces of hard data we are basing that decision on. Try to make it actionable, instead of the opaque numbers that lead to a feeling of "the computer says no." It's still an open question of if we will be able to provide that insight.
Legally I don't know if the credit score, or any of the components (LGD and PD) count as "personal data". If it does, we are obliged to provide it. Basically no customers make those kinds of requests so there's not really any internal discussions around those questions. As far as my bank is concerned, I'm sure we'd just tell you if you asked. We're bad at secrets.