My two cents here: I read every contract we were offered and if there is one thing I learned it’s that everything is negotiable despite how it’s presented. If you can articulate a reasonable need, reasonable people will listen. Lawyers are paid to get the most favorable result so most companies, especially big ones will give you a very lopsided first pass and will tell you it’s required. But you can totally push back. If they 100% won’t budge walk away. They WILL be trouble. Good luck out there.
Agreed. I've been in this situation and managed to have "non-negotiable" confidentiality agreements and intellectual property contracts changed. It's never a pleasant experience but clarity and communication are essential to achieving the results you want.
I think the key elements are a) mention your intention to review IP contract language early, in writing, so it isn't a surprise later (because it WILL be a surprise otherwise) b) only talk to people who can actually make a change (no low-level people) c) be reasonable yourself (don't overreach) and be specific about your change requests (don't make them guess) d) don't get angry (can be difficult), it's a negotiation e) actually be willing to walk.