Scott, what was the thinking behind publishing the source code to some of your early games in magazines (at a time when you could still sell them profitably)? It obviously worked out well, but it sounds like a bold step to take.
I was approached by Byte Magazine to do a feature article for them. I included my game source code in it as I wanted to share the technology I had developed with others.
Sadly there were a number of typos when they transcribed it into the magazine. Yet many people were able to press through and debug it to get it work which was pretty amazing.
My thought was we are all standing on the shoulder's of those who went before us. By helping each other we build towards a better future.
I have received a load of fan mail over the years from folks who have now gone from being fans to being friends. One of the major threads in most of the emails was how my games or gaming systems made a big impact on their life.
There are literally a number of very well known gaming companies now, who's founders have written me about how my early games were an ispiration for them.
I had no idea at the time, but God was using me through the gift He gave me to inpsire others. It is wonderful to be able to see that happen!