Can you run debian or similar on the ts-932px so that when synology dies, merges, abandons the ts-932px, is bought, or just changes their mind that I can switch to something with updates?
The QNAP OS is already a variant of Linux, so with enough work you could make it run anything you want. I haven't tried or looked for instructions on it, though.
But, the data is more important than the OS here. And the filesystem is a variant of ext4 and there's some instructions floating around on how to mount drives on an external standard Linux machine to recover said data in the event of a disaster.
You should also back up the data regularly so it doesn't matter if the hardware or company fail.
Well the trick is, can a user do it themselves. Is there a locked bootloader? Proprietary binaries? Etc.
I'd be find with a vendor linux, but vendors tend to get bored with older products, drop support, go bankrupt, get purchased, revoke previously promised functionality, have security holes in their addons, etc.