Same here, and not even GCP is that bad with the 'release' vs. 'beta' APIs that intermingle constantly.
Most of the time Azure feels like just another 'we have virtual machines and a crappy API' service. Kinda like a pretend-cloud where a lot of products come almost together but never finish. Almost similar to the way Windows and backwards compatibility means you end up with 100 libraries, frameworks, languages and versions all sitting side-by-side and not really working together, just differently in parallel. Not useful for automation at all, which makes it not useful at scale. (Except when scaling means: we want to run windows VMs with AD and go from 10 to 100 and change no parameters at all)
That reminds me of a relatively old twitter thread (that I can't find of course) about systems that have become operating systems and computers upon themselves.
It went something like this:
Code used to be running on a processor, then it ran on an OS on a processor. Then it became on a runtime on an OS on a processor. Then it an abstraction layer was sandwiched in between. Then a filesystem. Then a compatibility layer. Then a database. Then a browser. Then we went and created a runtime in the browser to run code again. We have come full circle.
This probably applies to SharePoint but also the real-time OS on your GPU, the MSSQL database which has its own OS facilities you can run stuff on. Add too many features and the application becomes the very thing we wanted to get away from...
Most of the time Azure feels like just another 'we have virtual machines and a crappy API' service. Kinda like a pretend-cloud where a lot of products come almost together but never finish. Almost similar to the way Windows and backwards compatibility means you end up with 100 libraries, frameworks, languages and versions all sitting side-by-side and not really working together, just differently in parallel. Not useful for automation at all, which makes it not useful at scale. (Except when scaling means: we want to run windows VMs with AD and go from 10 to 100 and change no parameters at all)