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Useful and useless code comments (jim-nielsen.com)
126 points by jerodsanto on June 17, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 178 comments

I’m on the same page. Just look at the given example. Does it look wasteful to say that you’re adding a vertical bar when you have the following line of code?:

  // Add a vertical scroll bar
  vScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
  add(vScrollBar, BorderLayout.EAST);
Perhaps. But the comment is making a lot more than simply describing what’s below of it. The comment is doing the following things:

- It’s creating a visual boundary that aids to the readability of the code. It adds context within a large set of instructions.

- It’s providing context that might not be there for the person who is reading the code. Just because you think the name of that function and what you’re passing into it clearly describes the instruction, doesn’t mean that everyone else does. At least not in a snap. The comment helps to reduce the cognitive load of reading the code because it’s explaining the instruction in plain english.

- The comment itself could be part of a larger narrative that is trying to explain what that file is doing. It’s not there to make the obvious more obvious. It’s there to make the whole file obvious which is evidently important to write readable code.

Look. I know there are purists that get offended with obvious code comments. But you cannot expect everyone to have the same proficiency you do. Writing good code, also means writing code that a newbie can at least comprehend. And sometimes that means explaining in plain english what could be already obvious to you.

People like to think they are writing code like prose that is delightful to the reader, but many times are just writing reader hostile code.

Write code focusing on clarity. Not elegance by obscurity. Make it clear, add structure, add visual boundaries. Ask yourself if what you think is obvious is obvious to everyone. If in doubt explain it with a comment. I’ll rather see an obvious comment and say “well that’s obvious” than spending valuable time trying to understand what certain piece of code is doing.

Yeah, I like the "visual boundaries" way of framing it. A line of whitespace is a visual boundary, of course, but I find the // comment above it acts as a heading. Like a bold heading above a couple of paragraphs of text in a document.

I wouldn't add a heading above every paragraph, but I would might above every few paragraphs. In code, this translates to every 5-15 lines of code. Here's some code I wrote recently that shows this (https://github.com/canonical/pebble/blob/b152ff448bbe7d08c39...):

    func writeFile(item writeFilesItem, source io.Reader) error {
        if !pathpkg.IsAbs(item.Path) {
            return nonAbsolutePathError(item.Path)

        // Create parent directory if needed
        if item.MakeDirs {
            err := os.MkdirAll(pathpkg.Dir(item.Path), 0o755)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot create directory: %w", err)

        // Atomically write file content to destination.
        perm, err := parsePermissions(item.Permissions, 0o644)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        uid, gid, err := normalizeUidGid(item.UserID, item.GroupID, item.User, item.Group)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("cannot look up user and group: %w", err)
        sysUid, sysGid := sys.UserID(osutil.NoChown), sys.GroupID(osutil.NoChown)
        if uid != nil && gid != nil {
            sysUid, sysGid = sys.UserID(*uid), sys.GroupID(*gid)
        return atomicWriteChown(item.Path, source, perm, 0, sysUid, sysGid)

I know this style by the name "coding in commented paragraphs". I learned about it from Damian Conway early in my career, and the idea resonated with me so strongly that I immediately adopted it and have used it every since.

I especially appreciate how under syntax highlighting the comments provide a visually offset natural language outline or summary of the code.

i use this method too. my flow is typically to write the comments first then implement them. this makes it easy to find gaps in reasoning before i write code and then easy to extract functions after if things get mor involved than expected.

FWIW, I don't really do that. Sometimes I write the comments as I go; there is almost always a pass I make at the end as I'm preparing the material for review where I revise the existing comments and add missing ones.

I mention this because I think it's great that the commenting style works with both our workflows and doesn't really imply rigid adherence to either one of them. I suspect we would find it comfortable to maintain each others' code despite the divergence in approach.

Aha, i did this. Knowing a name for it makes it official to defend on PR's :p

I tried to find more information on this by searching for those terms and "damian conway" but came up empty. Would you mind sharing a link, if you have one?

"Coding in paragraphs" is described in Damian Conway's book "Perl best practices" [1]

Myself I like coding in paragraphs very much, and giving the paragraphs one-liner headings (comments) definitely makes code for me more readable and easier to navigate.

I usually don't give a heading to a "paragraph" which is just one line, unless that line does something subtle. (Conway provides a definition of "subtle": if you need to think more than 10 seconds or consult the fine manual to figure out what the line does).

[1] https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/perl-best-practices/059...

I found a page which excerpts 10 of Conway's recommendations from Perl Best Practices (which I no longer have around). Point 7 is "Code in Commented Paragraphs", and the reasoning is about what I remember — it might even be taken from the book verbatim:


There are other recommendations on that page and in Conway's highly opinionated book which I disagree with (it's notorious for recommending Class::Std), but that point has stuck with me.

Note that Conway's example even includes three single-code-line paragraphs, all of which are commented. Perhaps Osterhout would not approve, or perhaps he would — each of those lines includes some subtlety, and each of the comments describes the "why" not the "what".

FWIW I don't always add a comment above single line paragraphs if the comment adds nothing. But neither does Conway comment "unpack arguments" above the first line in his example, nor say anything about the return statement — which to my mind illustrates that there's some flexibility to be expected in how you apply this technique.

I code in this way as well, particularly when working with pre-existing, poorly documented codebases

Thanks for the link. I may have to find a copy of that book at the library :)

Not sure if there's anything written on the topic, but I guess you can take a look at some of Damian Conway's public code to see it being used. For example: https://metacpan.org/release/DCONWAY/Keyword-Declare-0.00101...

Thank you for the link. I'll check it out!

I like this a lot and I also use this. Comments as a narrative - you may quickly scan the function and read only 'headlines'-type of comments and if they are good, not too verbose, not too sparse, you have all the information needed. Combine it with a bit more descriptive summary at the beginning and and it's a pleasure to read and you immediately know where are the parts of interest. Reading pure code, even with the crazy enterprise style verbose function names is much harder and takes more time you need to waste on parts that in the end don't matter for the case you're looking for

Yup. I love this style of using code to create a "paragraph" of code with a section heading. You don't always want to separate out a function, but you do want the advantage of "titling" a section of code.

> You don't always want to separate out a function,

Why not? The above could have easily contained a `ensureDirectoryExists(item)`. It would have the benefit of being more reusable, too.

An earlier submission has a lively debate between these two approaches. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12120752

> But you cannot expect everyone to have the same proficiency you do. Writing good code, also means writing code that a newbie can at least comprehend.

If you're writing example code or documentation, by all means, add this kind of comment.

Otherwise, if someone can't comprehend these particular two lines without reading the comment, they need to get back to the drawing board. You can't have noisy code like that in production at the off-chance that somebody with zero competence needs to read it. The expected case is that a competent developer needs to find "the thing", which means they need to be able to scan the code quickly without having to read everything twice. That's what you should optimize for.

The DRY principle also applies, this sort of error is not uncommon:

  // Add a vertical scroll bar
  hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL);

Books need no covers, because if a reader cannot comprehend a book title from the book content, then (s)he must go back to the school. /s

False equivalence.

That said, I agree with both OP and GP. I personally prefer clarity take precedence over whatever code-commenting or code-formatting guidelines one might have in place. It is all about common sense, I guess.

If a sense is discussed by camps with opposing opinions, it is far from common by definition.

A better analogy I think would be legal contracts with no headers and no numbered/bullet points. Headers in bold text have no value in a court, why not simply have a few pages of plain text that is self-explanatory? Also applies to comments to laws and religious texts.

I personally prefer clarity should take precedence over

Many programming interfaces are designed with no clarity in mind, sadly. Also many processes are not so straightforward and contain intermixed logic, like (0) get a raw request (1.a) get this, (2.a) get that, (3) log raw event with half-assed data for monitoring or debugging, ((1,2).b) check both and throw, (4) combine into a task, (5) log task, (6) proceed further. This creates zigzags in the code flow that you can’t reduce by abstracting things away, because it would blow up a complexity to insane levels.

I agree that on one hand micro commenting is dumb, but if your blocks are 3-4-line long it’s usually a sign of good structure, which is unrelated to commenting itself. A good structure is self-explanatory, but its flow may be complex (ask Brooks). Human attention-switching helpers seem useful to me, because they help seeing the flow. A short comment on what’s going on is like an inlined IIFE without accompanying visual/scope clutter.

If that line of code is not obvious, why not add a function and do


I can't think of a single benefit of a function over a comment for a piece of code that's only used once. The downsides of the function:

- Unless the function is extremely clear like max() or min(), you will have to read the function and jump around the code. I feel people underestimate the cognitive overhead required for this. This gets worse the more arguments are required to pass around. Linear code is much easier to read.

- More lines of code, a comment adds 1 line while a function or method adds at least 4. Also, code that has to be separated over multiple functions is practically always longer than linear code. Doing this to the extreme can have quite an effect.

- Naming issues, it can be hard to think of a good name for a function and it almost never describes it perfectly. Misnaming things leads to bad assumptions and leaky abstractions. Comments have the luxury of potentially conveying more information and are also less important to get right.

If you use a lot of vertical scrollbars then by all means go ahead and abstract it, but I'd generally pick the comment.

I think the most important drawback of the function for used once code is that its definition doesn't really map well to linear files.

There isn't really a proper place to put such function.

In this example, you would like to define add_vertical_scrollbar() right where it is used as this is the proper context where it makes sense to read it. But if you define it where it's used it no longer adds any clarity.

> I can’t think of a single benefit of a function over a comment for a piece of code that’s only used once.

A function makes the higher-level flow more clear and uncluttered than without either the function or comment, a comment may make it more clear but also makes it more cluttered.

> Unless the function is extremely clear like max() or min(), you will have to read the function and jump around the code. I feel people underestimate the cognitive overhead required for this. This gets worse the more arguments are required to pass around. Linear code is much easier to read.

Yes, function names should be extremely clear. But less code is easier to read than more code, so unless the contents (rather than the purpose) of the block of code is likely to be important every time you read the containing bit of code, you make the containing bit of code more readable by extracting the block.

> more lines of code, a comment adds 1 line while a function or method adds at least 4.

Depends on the language. In JS, for instance, a function definition can be a single line, so definition + call adds a minimum of 1 line, just like a comment. But a comment adds 1 line to the parent block of code, abstracting out a function at worst simplifies a single line, and usually reduces the lines of code in the parent block. So where the parent but not the content of the abstracted bit is important, it reduces code read, whereas the comment always increases it.

> Naming issues, it can be hard to think of a good name for a function and it almost never describes it perfectly.

Whether you can think of a clear name for the function is, IMO, part of the test for whether it is a logically coherent unit of work to abstract out to a function in the first place.

> Comments have the luxury of potentially conveying more information and are also less important to get right.

Comments are a pure addition of clutter to the code they are attached to; if they aren’t gotten right they are not just visual noise but misleading visual noise. Comments are no less important to get right than naming of functions.

> A function makes the higher-level flow more clear and uncluttered

It is subjective and depends on a given piece of code. In my experience functions (abstraction in general) often obfuscate code, because you cannot really see what they do without jumping to another place and breaking a flow of reading.

There are of course cases where factoring a piece of code into a function would make in more readable, but I cannot say this about any group of commented lines. And a function requires a comment too.

> In my experience functions (abstraction in general) often obfuscate code, because you cannot really see what they do without jumping to another place and breaking a flow of reading.

Already discussed in the post you are responding to: “unless the contents (rather than the purpose) of the block of code is likely to be important every time you read the containing bit of code, you make the containing bit of code more readable by extracting the block.”

> There are of course cases where factoring a piece of code into a function would make in more readable, but I cannot say this about any group of commented lines.

Also already addressed, e.g.: “Whether you can think of a clear name for the function is, IMO, part of the test for whether it is a logically coherent unit of work to abstract out to a function in the first place.”

> And a function requires a comment too.

Not necessarily. A function in the public interface of a module probably needs a doc comment or docstring, but we’re discussinf abstracting out a piece of functionality used once, so presumably this is to a private function in the same module, not part of the public interface of the module.

>I can't think of a single benefit of a function over a comment for a piece of code that's only used once.

The call stack becomes very organized and readable when debugging.

The call stack becomes deeper. I'm not sure that's always a good thing.

What border layout does that function use? Hardcoded BorderLayout.EAST, as in the code it replaces? Now the function is much more specific than the name suggests. We have a function that looks like it could be used in other parts of the code too, yet was only intended to replace one specific piece of code in one specific function. This is my main problem with extracting even small pieces of code into separate functions, especially in languages that don't have nested functions or similar facilities.

When reading the calling function, add_vertical_scrollbar() makes perfect sense. But when you read the code and you encounter add_vertical_scrollbar(), it is not at all clear where it fits in the grand scheme of things. You could of course add a comment "Meant to be called from this-or-that-function", but that kinda defeats the purpose.

We could make the function more general, which is not always as simple as in this case, but then we're doing more than just extracting some code. Or we could call the function add_vertical_scrollbar_east() instead, but that gets unwieldy pretty fast if there are more tunables.

Don't get me wrong, I do see value in extracting code into functions, and I often do exactly that. But in doing so I notice some drawbacks of that approach that IMO are not generally addressed by small-function-advocates.

In fact, coding in paragraphs and factoring chunks of code into separate functions are not mutually exclusive or contradictory; coding in paragraphs facilitates such factoring.

It's very easy to generate code that "jumbles" tasks. You set "x" coordinate of your point in one place, then do some calculations for "y" coordinate, then set it, then do something unrelated, and then set the color of your point. Such code does not make it obvious that you could create a "set_point(y, y, color)" function.

When coding in paragraphs, you organize your code into chunks so that each one "does one thing and does it well". It's natural then to consider whether a particular chunk could be a separate function.

Often it is, but sometimes it is not. First, creating a separate function has costs: choosing an appropriate name, designing an interface, etc. If the name and/or interface are not well-designed, a separate function can decrease readability: consider a function called "fix" that has 10 positional arguments...

Second, especially if your chunk is within a loop or two, the code may be too tightly coupled with the state within your code. You would need additional and perhaps modifiable "state" parameters to your function, making the resulting code more complicated and less comprehensible than the original one.

And of course, if your hypothetical function cannot be inlined (perhaps because your language does not even have the facility, or for other reasons), you would pay the price of a function call, which may matter in a tight loop.

In general it's always good to consider factoring chunks of code as a separate function, but sometimes upon this consideration you should reject it.

In my opinion there are two approaches to the idea of a function

Some use it as a method to separate code into independent, concise blocks that represent a singe step in a larger algorithm. Do one thing and do it well.

The other is code reuse, if a function is not reused in other places why create it at all? That's the reason for preferring comments rather than fragmenting code into add_vertical_scrollbar() functions. It's easier to read from top to bottom instead of jumping all over the place

Careful, you might trigger about half of HN with your proposal of readable code and small functions.

This is literally always the right answer. Create a self-explanatory function or just use readable variable names.

Or even createScrollbar(Direction.VERTICAL) if you hate repeating yourself.

It triggers half of HN because taken at extreme (abusing) this advice will render code unreadable again.

It is never clear cut. But if you never reuse the same code, or it is targeting the wrong abstraction layer (you can't reuse the function without introducing another set of arguments) and you are merely encapsulating two already very readable lines of code, you might end up with a too much redirection and an increase in mental load.

What I'm trying to say is: It might be even harder for the outsider to follow/read the code, just simpler on first glance.

If the lines of code were already very readable, they wouldn't require a comment. Comments are for interfaces or complex or inobvious code that can't easily be made more obvious simply through an expression of code IMO.

The code example of the OP is excellent because there are literally so many more avenues for code readability that are all superior to comments. First of all, the same code can literally be reused in the next line:

Do you frequently or always need to add both scrollbars to the UI? Another chance for reducing repetition and error-proneness when refactoring:

There's no increase in mental load because chances are you'll never need to navigate into these functions to know what they are doing at all, you can read over them as you would normally when you read the "This adds a horizontal scrollbar" comment, and trust that the implementation does what it says on the tin.

It seems you did not try to understand my comment:

I said "taken to the extreme". Put differently: If you are going to wrap every pair of lines into separate functions as a way to structure your code, you code will end up becoming functions calling functions calling functions - and whenever you try to read the code, you are required to jump through all these redirections.

Where do you draw the line?

Small functions are all right, but they're a bit more overhead than just a comment (especially if the functionality is used only in one place).

Now instead of a bunch of prepared and labeled dishes you have an API border in the middle of your kitchen, which of course will greatly help at slight changes in the menu. When in doubt, just pepper it with more enums and boolean flags. /s

Make it clear, add structure, add visual boundaries.

And push back hard against linter/prettifier rules that remove all developer discretion from layout and structure.

I'm all in on prettifying... If it's done automatically. I find it such a good tradeoff to not have to think about it that I'm happy to accept the times when I think my discretion would do it better.

That said, I've started to develop strong views on some eslint rules. Usually around things being errors that should be warnings in development, like logging messages or debugger or unused variables. I like to run in CI with max warnings being zero to catch them then.

The problem with this approach comes down to when the functionality of the code changes.

Consider the scenario that a second developer has to change your code in the future, for example the decision is made that a vertical scrollbar isn't required anymore and a horizontal one is required instead. It is very possible you end up a comment that completely contradicts what the code is actually doing.

  // Add a vertical scroll bar
  hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZTONAL);
  add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.EAST);
Which suddenly ends up being far worse than having no comment at all. You could say that the second developer should be diligent and ensure they fix these, but given they don't have to change them to meet the requirements you are inviting the possibility that it could happen.

I never understood this line of reasoning. If you're changing a line of code you should at least look at the whole function that contains it, and update the comments according to the change.

> given they don't have to change them to meet the requirements

What are the requirements? Code review is standard practice, so I see clear code as part of the requirements.

Developers and code reviewers make mistakes. If a change involves looking at code numerous trivial comments, the probability that both the developer and the reviewers misses at least one increases.

This is particularly problematic for this sort of issue because it's impossible for a static analysis tool to pick up.

I disagree that it "ends being far worse than having no comments at all". I think it's still helpful: 1) still provides the visual boundary for the following chunk of code 2) still tells me that the code has something to do with scroll bars

As they say, "Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing" :-)

Yeah, it could trick me, but this is no different to any other types of sloppiness.

Should we stop giving meaningful names to variables and functions, because some developer can change what a function does, or variable represents, but fail to update the names to reflect the fact?

Most of the time when I have to look at the code with out of date comments, after paying some initial "tax" of confusion and lost time, it becomes clear that the comment is out of date(git helps with this, too). So I take time and fix the comment. Or in rare cases when I still don't understand what the comment should say, I put a "FIXME: out of date comment" above the offending line.

One thing I give you: when reading code, I find comments explaining why the code does X, more useful than comments stating the the code does X...

The second developer updates or deletes the comment. Yes, this is a maintenance burden. The question is whether the burden outweighs the benefit.

I do this all the time as well ever since I knew about this technique.

For me, another giant benefit is that I can scan through the function and understand what it does just by reading the comment. The energy saved by those comments can be spent on writing more code :)

I tend to agree that sections headings are OK (although it might be better to extract the sections to separate functions) but some people take it further than that.

Today I ran into this piece of code:

  // POST
  xhr.open("POST", "...");
  // Content-Type
  xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "...");
  // SOAPAction
  xhr.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "...");

> Does it look wasteful to say that you’re adding a vertical bar when you have the following line of code?

It is, if the alternative is to just refactor your code to extract a method so that it reads like:

No comment, cleaner code, smaller functions/methods, everything is easier to read and follow and reason about.

The main problem with your suggestion is that you're wasting precious space to say the same thing twice.

More importantly, your comments adds nothing important or relevant to those reading the code, such as why did you felt the need to add a vertical scrollbars to begin with. That's the sort of thing that's relevant to those reading the code.

Then these two lines of code move away from the context of the surrounding function. There may also be something specific about how the scrollbar is added in this instance, requiring a very complicated name if you want to convey that.

As long as the surrounding function is not overly complex, I don't see the advantage of having to jump back and forth from mini function to mini function to understand what the code is doing.

> visual boundary

I agree with this so much that I have added (some time ago) a syntax for that to Next Generation Shell.



    section "Add a vertical scroll bar" {

Yes, this is bad. If it was not clear enough that this created a VScrollBar, then create a function CreateVerticalScrollBar(). Why? Well this does exactly the same as commenting the code, except that this can easily be renamed with your IDE if the code base changes. Comments will always be outdated, functions not.

A number of people have touched on the fact that comments (even 'obvious' ones) provide boundaries, context and intent. I very much agree with this, with a couple of additional comments somewhat particular to embedded development:

- Compared to most user facing development, where probably >75% of code is purely for interaction (and potentially more repetitive, obvious, and readable), a LOT of embedded code is not so readable, and quite often context is key. Good comments (even on apparently obvious code) almost always carry some context (why do this here, and why in this order, why the specific delay before reading the ADC, etc)

- Because almost all the code is in some way business logic, it is definitely easier at times to read the flow of comments, rather than work out directly from the code which register someone is trying to set, and why, or why some seemingly arbitrary value is being incremented (that is actually being read by a parallel task somewhere else)

- As always, good comments are as much for yourself six months from now, as for the guy replacing you 6 years from now. Sometimes, it is just a good way to document your thought process, as well as provide reasonably up to date system documentation, since ACTUAL design documentation almost always gets neglected.

Basically - comment as much as you can, and as much as you need. Try and keep it up to date. It doesn't matter if it's seemingly obvious, or discussing the reasoning behind a particular architectural decision. Nobody I know has ever complained about too many comments, and if anything, more would have always been better.

One additional of benefit of commenting: if you cannot write comment for a block of code, then you either a) doesn't understand code well, b) code is useless and must be deleted.

Most of the developers, which hate comments, hate them because they cannot write proper comments, i.e. they are hiding their own weakness, to look smarter than they are.

The article makes some fair points. And once you move beyond the explaining-to-yourself stage, there's yet another reason to have such “useless” comments: quick code navigation.

Finding the place in the code where X is being done would be perfectly feasible by consciously reading the code, but I want to save that energy. Letting my visual cortex pattern-match on a syntax-highlighted comment that looks a certain way is much cheaper and faster and can be done while scrolling through it without stopping. If you can make that comment so it's more useful beyond that, so much the better.

Tricks like that come into play once you're past the language proficiency / commenting policy hurdles and feel the impact of your visual code design on your personal attention and energy budget.

As always, there's a flipside..

I find code with lots of comments and "fluff" to be a drag to read and navigate and generally work with. I would rather have less to scroll to begin with, than have comments help me jump to a specific spot.

For example, I just replaced a well documented pair of functions that compute a checksum. The original implementation was about thirty lines, including comments and empty lines. My implementation uses a denser style and is just a single function with three lines in the body. I also removed a function argument to make the interface both simpler to use and also less general. KISS & YAGNI: if the more general version is ever needed, then it is trivial to add and make the simple version a wrapper for it. Until a real need shows up, I don't want it.

Of course my changes go way beyond comments, but this kind of thing can make an order-of-magnitude difference in code size (as measured in lines). I would rather work with 300 lines than 3000 lines, and the reduced need for jumping/scrolling around lessens the importance of navigation aids. Also, I find that the aids that are there anyways (function names, etc.) become more useful when there's no fluff to render them ineffective.

Why not just use an obfuscator? It produces clean and compact code. You can disable mangling of names and reformat code after obfuscation using a formatter with your own set of rules. IMHO, it better to use tool designed just for that, instead of performing obfuscation by hands.

I haven't seen a tool that can remove fluff and clean code. And I don't like formatters, because making the rules right is too complicated. I haven't seen a formatter that won't eventually mess up code that I carefully laid out.

I wait for the level of technological advancement when we would have headers and subheaders with various styles in our code, optionally visible on a minimap and on a source tree. And half-height empty lines (like paragraph spacing).

IMO, if I feel the need to add comments to explain code blocks like this:

    > // Add a horizontal scroll bar
    > hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL);
    > add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
It's a sign I should be writing code that reads more like:

    > addHorizontalScrollBar()

Meh. If you're only doing it once, then I'd argue that the main practical difference between

  // Add a horizontal scroll bar
  hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL);
  add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
and (assuming scrollBar is not a local variable)

  void addHorizontalScrollBar() {
      hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL);
      add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


is whether you want to do it in 3 lines or 5.

(edit: disclaimer -- Snark aside, I should say that I personally tend toward the latter option. But I am absolutely not prepared to try and convince anyone that it is, in any objective sense, better. It's just an aesthetic preference. Maybe even a nervous habit.)

I think this is a question of level of abstraction.

I would argue that that this more readable as for what is going on:

    addHorizontalScrollbar() ;
If all I need to know is how the page is structured and set up on a high level, then this is awesome (actually I'm not convinced it needs the scroll bar stuff on this level but this was what I could come up with to stay in the example :) ) I don't need to read comments for what's what and then manually skip over ever so many lines of actual code that did all these things. I can decide that what I really wanted to take a closer look at was what the header bar looks like.

Some of this depends on whether I'm using an IDE or not. In an IDE I can just Ctrl click myself through. Then again I doubt anyone these days is using _just_ vi to code something complex enough to want multiple files. I used vi configured as an IDE way back but I do admit that's been like 15 years. Dunno what that looks like today. Nowadays I'm a JetBrains user, mainly in Java and Java/TypeScript and very little Python.

This might be more readable if setting up those things doesn't involve a set of common variables (say a GUI style in this example) that can affect them. If it does, then you have to pass them around (into these functions) and it makes more difficult to figure out, if one of these variables changes, what all is affected by it (you have to look up all those methods).

In short, I don't think adding depth to a hierarchy of function composition is always an answer. Flatter hierarchies can be easier to understand too.

I think it makes the source of such a styling bug/flow of what's affected a lot more obvious than having to find the reference in each line of the implementation details:


>setting up those things doesn't involve a set of common variables

So...object methods?

So what with them? I don't see how they solve the problem.

What you seem to suggest is refactor the original code (which presumably was a single function to set everything up) so that variables used and the substeps are in one module (your new object), and the code that uses all of this is in another module. I am not convinced this really follows "high cohesion, low coupling" dogma, since you put together things that might be less related (different style variables) into the same module, and created a function, which almost all it does is calling into another module, and is highly dependent on it.

The problem ultimately is data relationships in the code can be a general graph, and trying to put a general graph into a hierarchical structure (much less one that actually has to follow the structure of operations on the data) always has to break cycles in some way. And how much you can really do it depends on cyclomatic number of the graph, and if it's high, no strategy is going to be good. AFAICT most of the OOP strategies of "dealing" with this problem are just creating more nodes in the graph, making the structure bigger, but not really reducing the cyclomatic number.

and that's how we created $company_framework/lib, I guess?

The whole thing should be condensed to:

    add(new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
It's self-evident and needs no comment or whitespace to "break it up". This is fundamentally a problem with wordy imperative languages.

A lifetime ago when I wrote assembly code I would write a comment like this to explain every subsequent 5-10 lines of opaque incantation. Higher level (especially functional) languages tend to have fewer issues like this.

Unlike the original, this doesn't retain a reference to the scrollbar object.

I'd say it's the enforcement. It's like how YARD docs convey the same information as built-in compile-time type declarations, except you can't trust them. So you start ignoring them, forget to update them yourself, and kick off a vicious cycle.

This is an often used example in defense of not writing comments but in practice I rarely have encountered an out of date or misleading inline comment. In my experience, everything in code tends to stay up-to-date because it is often written and reviewed by multiple people who have some incentive to keep it correct. It's other documentation outside of code that frequently goes stale.

Also, function names sometimes get out of date too, 'addHorizontalScrollBar()' in the example above -- let's say someone adds vertical scroll too but forgets to update the function name.

Having had a lot of experience myself, I sadly can't echo this. A lot of it has to do with stick-and-carrot incentivization, stack ranking, and other stuff.

Unfortunately every place I've worked at sort of accidentally pits their programmers against each other in a sort of "who can get it done first" competition, with those who do a quick-and-dirty job getting credit, and those who clean up their proverbial workbench getting none. We've had gentlemen's agreements to not do this, and have even been able to collectively oust (i.e. get fired) a few serial violators, but there's just SUCH pressure to ship quickly that code review is basically a fictional thing like the flying spaghetti monster.

It's telling that we've got a MLOC codebase, and basically not a single piece of documentation - and every single place I've worked, in almost 2 decades, has been exactly like this.

Enterprise software is a wild ride. :|

I would not agree to work in a place like you describe if they doubled my current salary.

I really hope these companies compensated you well...

Consider yourself lucky then. I've wasted tons of time because of them.

Consider reviewing of your code review process.

Code review can miss because the inaccurate comments might not be close enough to show up in the diff viewer

Generally if I see something happen in every job I've had throughout my career I start to doubt that there is a simple process solution.


We found a problem! Let start a startup: "Intelligent code review tool for smart developers, which want to keep comments in their code up to date". The tool will use AI to learn which parts of code are modified often in unison, and then propose to check them also during code review. It will also check for copy-pasted code blocks, and for snippets from StackOverflow with known bugs. The tool will reduce code review time by 10%, reduce number of bugs slipped trough code review by 20%, improve time to ship by 7%, bla bla bla, and instruct the coffee machine to prepare a coffee just in time for the review.

I guess I have been lucky but I don't really get this. You read comments along with the actual code right? They complement one another. An out of date comment should not ipso facto render code indecipherable and if it does that speaks to a bigger problem with the code itself.

I find it strange that people want to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to commenting code just cause they've been bit before.

You don’t see how you could end up wasting time when a comment led to you making an incorrect assumption? If they don’t affect how you read the code would mean they’re useless.

I can see how it could, in theory, if the code is extremely complicated and then the comments are lying to you on top. Again I have never experienced this or anything even close to it in 1.5 decades of coding on teams. Unless every comment is wrong then some of them are useful to someone.

On the other hand, I have been bit plenty of times by incorrect documentation outside of code about libraries and APIs.

Well, consider that such documentation is often generated from comments.

Fair enough. I will say my recommendation is for writing useful inline comments ("the why" comments and more rarely "the what").

File-level and function-header type comments that tend to generate docs (eg. Doxygen) are certainly more likely to fall out of date (easy to miss in a PR diff etc) and I don't really support using them anyway.

But now you can also easily test it independently of whatever else is there if required, and the 'section heading' comment (now function name) is much less likely to go out of sync with the actual code, or accidentally adopt unrelated GUI setup that should have been in a different 'section'.

This sounds perfectly reasonable in isolated examples, but I find maintaining large applications written in this style to be a nightmare. Once you get to non-trivial examples you'll have a lot of variable being passed around (what are we adding the scrollbar too) and stepping through a million little functions to see which components are interacting and how.

The first example might need a comment, but everything I need to know is right there in one place and not distributed across the codebase.

If you're building a UI frame, like in this Swing example, I think it's reasonable to keep the code in a single method and separate it into functional blocks with comments. But the variable names and comments should still include a bit more of the why. Example:

    // Build the data table view

    // Add horizontal scroll bar to the data table view
    // This is needed if the table has more than N columns
    tableHScroll = // etc

    // Build the data navigation sidebar
As an aside, I wish web UI programming was more like a declarative form of Swing (that is, a widget- and layout-oriented tree), rather than the current mess of React and a text-/document-oriented tree.

Think about this. You intentionally left out the very verbose parts of actually doing those things for us to see what your UI looks like on an abstract level here on HN. You basically only gave us the comments and left out the 49 lines of actual code needed in between for each ...

With methods extracted you could do the exact same but on actual code and help your future self that forgot all about this class or some other poor developer that has never seen this UI or the code before.

I think my problem with this approach and why I lean to favouring the more obvious and verbose comment is, if I'm reading the code it's probably because something is broken (or I need to change something in the area).

With the function I think, "is it and if it is what else does it change?". Is that function definition actually doing what it says it is? So now I have to add another stack frame to my mental model, go to definition on the function, confirm that is indeed what it claims to do, pop the frame and resume my reading of the parent method.

With the comment I get the statement of intent and can see if the code matches inline. Now it's fair to say a good code review culture (and immutability) might create code where there's more room to trust named functions, but I've not seen it yet.

I don't really get why your mental model is bothered more by the function/stack frame than the comment.

Whether I read a function name or comment personally that does pre occupy my mind and sets the mental frame for what comes next. If the comment or function name say doX() or //this does X then I expect it to do that but need to be on the lookout for whether it actually does that.

With a function though I can easily step out if this part turns out not to be interesting, I can easily step over it next round if debugging, I don't need to keep track of where //this does X ends etc.

Of course none of these help if the previous author was really bad at what they were trying to communicate. They can both implement doY() in a function called doX() and have //do Y code run in with //do X for example by interleaving statements for both. If we assume we'll intentioned authors for both though, I would tend to see more pros for structuring code with functions than via comments.

Stepping in and out is an extra step, mentally and physically. It's increased burden on my working memory, which is usually already quite full keeping track of other aspects of the task at hand.

Also it imposes more burden on the author, and possibly could lead to developing the wrong abstraction, which we all know is bad.

I don't get that. If you need to step over a function call you just remember 'oh right, step over doZ()' vs 'oh right this is 78 lines in which the code does Z, and dang I'm stepped 24 lines into it already before noticing. Where was the end of this again so I can skip ahead?'

One of those seems easier to me. Potentially our brains just work way differently but I have a much easier time remembering that function name I will step over.

I think this probably relates to fundamental differences in how people think. Like the "imagine an apple" test of people's mental modes of imagination.

I'm quite a visual thinker so I use the shape of the surrounding code to anchor my mental model of the code. If I have to jump to another file or function then I lose the shape and it disrupts my model. This is why on balance I (now) prefer longer functions over code split up.

Do you then document the new function, though?

You've heard the XTreme slogan "Where you would write a comment, we would write a method"?

I think the function name is pretty self documenting, I would go a step further and make a function named addScrollBars() clear on its intention here

Sure. Agreed. But I still docblock every function I write so this wouldn’t change much with respect to usefulness of the documentation.

I can relate to where the author is coming from.

What these comments do is give the code structure, and giving an outsider a better/faster view into the code, when he has no internal model for the library/framework/API/language which helps him recognize the statements (this outsider might be the author himself, or "future me").

Not knowing what these lines do, I can at first glance (i.e. skimming through the code) understand the author's intentions, what each line is responsible for. This is simply reduction of mental load and I even do this just for myself when trying to wrap my head around a new library or language.

On the other hand, if you are writing for a (large) internal codebase, where you need to find a tradeoff between reduction of mental load and bloat, such comments can quickly become a nuisance...

Then again, the cost of useless comment is usually much smaller than the cost of mental load (everyone knows how to ignore comments, unless they fill pages...)

All this being said, I can only recommend "The Art of Readable Code" - Boswell [1].

[1] https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/the-art-of/978144931848...

The big problem with comments is that they need to be maintained. When the code changes, the comments need to change with it.

The never, ever happens consistently.

So soon you have the "man with two watches" problem. The code says one thing, and the comments say another. You could fix it, and sometimes you spend that time, but inevitably you also stop reading the comments, since they're not reliable.

I've never seen this not happen in comment heavy projects.

> The big problem with comments is that they need to be maintained. When the code changes, the comments need to change with it.

> So soon you have the "man with two watches" problem. The code says one thing, and the comments say another. You could fix it, and sometimes you spend that time, but inevitably you also stop reading the comments, since they're not reliable.

When you think about it, function and variable names are comments. Should we not use those because they need to be maintained with the code?

My main solution is to use good function and variable names.

Including - and I had some resistance to this - breaking out a variable or function solely to give something a name that needs describing.

This way you have one source of truth. It can be wrong, but you only update it once, and it never conflicts with itself.

I understand what you mean by "function and variable names are comments". We do use them to describe what the code does. Still, they are actually code :)

Redundancy helps to spot errors. When I see code like

// add vertical scroll bar


I _know_ something is wrong.

Did the comment get out of synch with the code? Or the developer copied-and-pasted the wrong function? Or the function itself is misnamed? I don't know! Let's investigate... and fix whatever happens to be erroneous!

But when I see just


all I know is that a horizontal bar seems to be added (provided the function name reflects its... er... function). I don't know whether it was intended behaviour. If it has not been, nothing indicates this at all.

I've actually caught real bugs this way, multiple times.

> My main solution is to use good function and variable names.

The problem with this is that it isn't actually solution. A name can't contain much that's helpful to know about a thing, which should be obvious given how much prose and narrative everyone produces and consumes. The program itself can only tell you what. Names can sometimes hint at intent, but they they're not very good at it (given the incentive for terseness). Comments are good for explaining the "whys" for a thing as well as intent. Those are important things to know when debugging a problem or trying to enhance something.

Comments shouldn't be thought of as the one thing you need to look at to understand some code. You really have to look at a whole constellation of things (comments, implementation, commit history, tribal knowledge) and synthesize them. When you take that approach, even out of date comments can be more useful than no comments.

> I understand what you mean by "function and variable names are comments". We do use them to describe what the code does. Still, they are actually code :)

They're not any more code than comments are. Run an obfuscator and change all names to random strings and everything will still work fine, just like if you ran a program to strip out comments.

I agree with elements of both sides here but I do think there's one important difference with function and variable names, which is that they have to match between definition and usage.

If you refactor a function or variable to do something different, often it becomes obvious at the calling/usage site that something isn't quite right any more and the name gets fixed. Just having more instances of it gives you more opportunities to realise you need to fix the name.

It's absolutely not foolproof, you can obviously still have them get out of sync. I do find it's rarer, though, personally.

If you use a comment instead of breaking a block of code out into a function, don't you still have one source of truth?

This is something you can quickly see with Git. If the comment lines are older than the code lines you can at least start with the assumption that the comment might be outdated.

That’s more useful than dealing with stale documentation which can also be outdated. At least with code comments you have contextual proximity.

This sounds like a great idea for an editor plugin.

1. Iterate through all blocks of comments. 2. Determine if there have been updates within the block of comments first (one line of three updating, for example). 2. For each block of comments, find the proceeding block of code. 3. Compare the last update of comments to the last updates of the code. 4. Warn the user when it's over a threshold.

Something like that?

In my view there's no machine or rules that will automatically make your code readable against your will. If two people express themselves differently in prose, perhaps one better than the other, the same will be true in code, with or without comments.

This is an argument to keep the comments short and to the point (preferably one-liners for code paragraphs, longer for functions themselves), not to skip them altogether. Then both checking them and updating them becomes less of a burden.

I even find "man with two watches"useful. When I see it, I _know_ that something is wrong here, and it's worth checking. Most of the time the comment is found to be "buggy" (and gets updated), but I have found quite a few real bugs in the code this way.

While that is true, it isn't a problem inherently with comments.

I spend a lot of time reviewing code, I currently review every line of code for 16 other developers.

Obvious comments are great for code reviews because it's a validation that what you intended to do is what your code actually does.

From the article, the comment about adding a vertical scroll bar allows me to review the code and to check that it does indeed add a vertical scroll bar and not something else.

Did the developer intend to require password lengths of at least 8 characters? A simple comment would tell me what the developer wanted to do and then I can verify that it was done correctly.

Great, but that's not the reason why obvious comments are bad. They are bad because it's not maintainable. For you this means that the next time a developer refactors the code, you need to check if the comment is still accurate with the refactored intentions. I repeat, this is not maintainable! I love how the book Clean Code described it: "A comment is a failure to express yourself in code." There are situation they are useful, but those are definitely not obvious comments.

Clean code of a guide, not a requirement.

Eg. I like paragraphed comments, because you know what the next 5 lines will do and you can quickly skip to the part you need.

It's not always possible to have a method with only 5 lines. There are use-cases where you want a big method doing a lot of things together, because it's complex.

Eg. For a government project i needed to connect to the internal network for executing certain requests and all that logic was in one HttpProxyClass, shared between the api + service/deamon

If those 5 lines do so much that you can't scan it quickly, why is it not in a function? I don't understand, why so many people here have a hard time of understanding this here on HN. You can't trust that comment, you don't know if its outdated or not.

Update: I noticed you updated your comment.

So my reaction to your addition is that a class can always be abstracted to higher level. It will probably do to much at this point.

I added the example of what i kept together, because that complex class was the junction class of 4 interfaces for server/client + receive/send.

The logic was much simpler to scan/change if you comprehend everything it does. Instead of only partially by abstraction. The use case that one thing was called for one-use case wasn't applicable.

I like clean code and apply it a lot. But it's not applicable for everything. I think you just didn't encounter the more advanced cases yet where it isn't, since they are not that frequent.

The spirit of clean code is to make readable code. Not the reality is that you have to adjust to the situation. They're is code were comments make sense. Comments can give context and intent ( look at code of sqlite for example).

These comments will rot and become confusing/misleading oh so quickly.

It's great that somebody is reviewing every single line of code and probably will catch it when folks modify the code but inevitably forget to update the comment, and it becomes out of sync - becomes misleading.

If the reviewing is not vigilant that's where you end up: you don't know what to trust, the comment or the code. And the code wins, so that _what_ and _how_ type of comment becomes a net negative.

I see the point. I guess our team just puts the barrier for "useful comment" a bit lower than most other teams. I work with software as a medical device products which has requirements for documentation. Some of this documentation is autogenerated from doc blocks and it is therefore part of the review to also review comments.

I understand that my situation will not reflect the average developer. But it is good to see both points of view.

When I was doing CS in college, bad commenting was an academic requirement: As in your grade would be worse if you commented appropriately.

Over multiple courses including software engineering, comment quality and or correct use of comments was never in the syllabus.

But in several courses they wanted to see the code heavily commented, to the point where you were just re-writing the code as a comment and getting a green tick instead of a red "more comments!" note. I legitimately believe that my educators just didn't know any better themselves.

These days I live by the mantra: Comment to explain WHY not HOW, since the WHY is lost to time whereas the HOW is often self-descriptive.

PS - [0]Still my favorite comment of all time. I'm still pissed that someone tried to remove it from the article on Wikipedia (in particular as the comment is almost as famous as the code).

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root#Overv...

This obviously varies, but my experience was very different.

I very distinctly recall being told in an introductory programming course:

"Code is written for people, not computers."

That really stuck with me. What that lecturer meant was that first and foremost code must be written to be comprehensible to other people. The particular techniques used, whether commenting, intelligent variable names, extracting sections into functions or using abstractions are just a means to that end.

And layers of abstraction or indirection can easily harm comprehension rather than help. It all comes down to the circumstances. Do whatever is necessary to make it as comprehensible to other people as possible; everything else is secondary.

How comments in school indicate to the grader that you not only can write code but you can explain what it's doing in another way.

It's actually a somewhat decent way to catch cheaters. As it provides a better likeness score between two code comparisons.

Fully agree with the author here. I write comments that "repeat the code" all the time, and I like to read them in other people's code. It allows the reader to quickly skim through large portions of code without having to fully decode each line.

Obviously, I'm not talking about comment like this (which I see all the time):

    // adds 1 to x
    x += 1;
That is certainly useless, even annoying. But a small comment every 2-3 lines to explain the following 2 to 3 lines is generally very useful.

It's funny to recall that when I was about 11 years old, 30+ years ago, I would have thanked you profusely for that comment, instantly unraveling the += mystery.

But in hindsight, it wouldn't be a good comment, because that information is misplaced. The perfect time for you to encounter that comment is the first time you ever encounter the += operator, not every time you encounter it.

I generally think you shouldn't comment to explain your use of a language feature, even an unusual one. The exception: when there exists an idiomatic alternative which you intentionally didn't use, then a comment can explain why.

... or when the feature is counter-intuitive and actively confusing, like "oct" and "hex" operators in Perl that do opposite of what one not familiar with them would guess.

Even after many years of programming in Perl I found comments like

# FROM hex, not TO hex!


I'm a big fan of Short comments that describe a chunk of code – maybe 3-10 lines. Because a lot of times I don't really want to read all the code, I just want to get a more detailed sense of what the code is doing.

I worked in the Firefox codebase for a while, and what I would have given for a simple comment that describes intentions or results; where instead I had to fire up searchfox.org and make a deep dive into some (equally sparsely commented) functions.

There is some notion here, that these comments help new programmers, but I think as soon as your codebase is sufficiently big, there will be always parts you won't be familiar with, and these comments certainly help you scan over them quickly

Same here, I think small comments every 3-10 lines adds a lot of value, especially to large code bases. Being able to quickly scan through comments visually when you only need a high level overview of a chunk of code can take a 5 minute task of reading and understanding 50 lines of code into a 15 second task of reading and digesting a few small comments.

Also, I'm curious to see how your experience was working on the firefox code base. I haven't checked out the code base myself, but have built from source a few times. Curious to see how the Rust progress has been going on the code base and which parts of firefox are currently implemented in Rust.

Firefox is still largely C++ and Javascript and that's not going to change anytime soon. But it makes sense, because mostly you're adding or changing stuff that's already deeply connected with all the existing code.

I think you see Rust when there are really big projects that can be treated as a library. For instance the network team is writing their QUIC implementation in Rust – called neqo – and I can imagine that this was possible because it's low level enough and separate enough from the rest of Firefox.

It's of course also a resourcing question. For instance the download-manager code in Firefox is a big, big mess and it's not really owned by anyone. But it works, is safe, and handles a lot edge cases. Rewriting this thing (even again in Javascript) would be an enormous effort, and that's true for so many parts of the code base that might benefit from rewrites. A rewrite would be nice, but there probably will always be more important things to work on.

I probably end up with numerous "useless" comments in my code.

That's because I write my code's doc string first (or JavaDoc or whatever), then write the body in English comments or pseudocode on rare occasion, then write the code beneath and between the conments that are my English plan.

I will also write additional comments about anything unintuitive, complex or unusual, even slightly, because I know that the code will be read many more times in the upcoming decades. (I have code I wrote in 1994 in production at one company, and another hitting its 20th anniversary this year still in production. Do you even remember libg++? Me neither, but the code still uses it...)

This is also somewhat about language choice. Languages more oriented towards natural language need less commenting. If I were writing C++ or assembler on a regular basis, I would probably be writing a lot of "what" comments.

My favorite comments are actually "what" comments, but that clarify something opaque about the code, e.g.

    const R = 6371e3;
    const φ1 = lat1 * Math.PI/180;
    const φ2 = lat2 * Math.PI/180;
    const Δφ = (lat2-lat1) * Math.PI/180;
    const Δλ = (lon2-lon1) * Math.PI/180;
    const a = Math.sin(Δφ/2) * Math.sin(Δφ/2) +
              Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) *
              Math.sin(Δλ/2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2);
    const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
    const d = R * c;
It's extremely difficult to analyze that and say oh, obviously, that's the haversine distance formula, and the result is the distance in meters, of course. It would be slightly easier in a language with type annotations, but not a bunch easier. You add a simple

    // haversine distance formula, result is d in meters
and now you can google the wikipedia page to understand the context and history.

You're missing another potentially really important part in the comment. Why you chose to use the Haversine distance formula. Since you seem to be calculating the distance between two points on Earth it would be really useful to have a comment like

  // Vincenty algorithm too slow for our use case 
  // and we don't need that level of accuracy.
to make it clear that using Haversine was a conscious choice rather than the first answer you saw on the first question you looked at on Stack Overflow :)

I imagine you will use this in more than one place in the code. Why does it need a comment? Naming the function should be enough for most of it. Other languages probably aren't better at specifying the "in meters" part either, are they?

The name of the function won’t necessarily reveal the algorithm used in the implementation

Yeah. I'd name the function something like `earthDistance` or `sphereDistance`, and then still have the "what" comment saying "haversine distance formula" inside of the function.

If I had a program where calculating distance between points on earth was important and I had an API with a function called earthDistance, then knowing that it was actually calculating the Haversine distance would be vital knowledge, since that approach is known to give quite high errors and that I should avoid using that function if I care about accuracy.

Better still, I'd name it earthDistance and have that be a wrapper for another function called haversineDistance.

Then the user has the choice to call earthDistance to get the program's preferred estimate of distance, or haversineDistance if they want to be certain about the implementation. Later, perhaps you add a new distance formula and earthDistance decides which method to use as appropriate.

By all means, if the specific algorithm isn't important I would totally be onboard with you in naming it after what the purpose is instead!

Feels like the difference between inlining quicksort vs. calling quicksort() vs. calling sort(). In some situations you really are on a level where you need to know you are calling mergesort() and not quicksort() but some are fine with sort(). I doubt there are many examples of code I'd argue for inlining.

It's actually worse than that. Mergesort and quicksort will at least eventually give the same answer (ignoring sort stability). When it comes to numerical approximations different algorithms can all give different answers. Picking the right one is always a balance between performance, stability and accuracy and the right answer often depends on what your input looks like and how sensitive to errors you are.

A function still seems appropriate even if you're not using this multiple times. Unless how you're computing the haversine distance is relevant to the surrounding code, it would be much more readable to extract it out.

Modern C++ is actually quite readable now imo - fairly close to C#. Has come a long way in the last 20 years.

That being said most code out there is legacy of course...

Yes, I'm probably just traumatized from trying to look at 3d engine code "back in the day" :)

I just used this formula in code this last week, and I thought “hey, I recognize that!”

I sometimes use comments that are nearly as “obvious” as the examples, but more as a human-readable outline of the code block. The point isn’t to provide additional clarity after someone reads the code, but rather to be the first thing someone (especially myself, later) reads when encountering that code block.

When I teach coding, I used to have a similar lesson around commenting code: "don't tell me you're creating a variable. I can read the code. Tell me what the variable is for."

I still mostly abide by that, but I've had an opportunity to write some larger programs for the first time in a few years (a hazard of teaching programming is you find yourself working with pretty small programs), and noticed that the comments started become a part of my conversation with myself. I'd drop in quick reminders for what I intended to do in a function before going moving on to something else. When I came back and then wrote the code corresponding to the comments: well now it's redundant, but it wasn't. I stopped cleaning that stuff up (I'd clean it if I had to present or publish it, of course). The comments kept some context of my thinking when I wrote it, what order I did things in, etc. It would be gibberish for another, but it wasn't for me, especially after a few days, or even longer. (Note: I'm a pretty fast touch-typist, so muttering to myself doesn't invoke much of a productivity cost. I also note that commit messages are another great place to capture that sort of context for yourself, and not using that opportunity is a sin.)

So, I've changed some of my greybeard aphorisms around commenting: "When commenting code, consider the needs of the person who will be maintaining this code. Who will probably be you. Be nice to future you."

For the most part I take no issue w/ the style of comments that act as a statement of intent.

It only becomes a problem when comments are used to paper over the author's own indifference to making the code itself legible, and that's where I expect critiques like this truly come from. Comments without legible code do not help, as the comments are not a proof of correctness or verification that the author's intent has been carried out. You still need to read the code to understand the program.

Code legibility is not unlike legibility in written language. Short sentences and paragraphs, clear transitions, well-defined hierarchy, consistent structure. Say more with less. Comments are often like footnotes: they elaborate upon the author's intent, provide a mental palette cleanser, elaborate on a digression in a way that limits distraction, or occasionally break the fourth wall.

Comments are improper when they try to serve other means. For instance comments about invalid uses of a function/class/etc. when the type system can be used to prevent illegal usages of code. Or when comments are used to explain what is happening in extremely branchy, anti-modular, or otherwise illegible code.

One of my guilty pleasures is writing code comments, even in places where it might be “obvious” about what that block or line is doing. To me, it’s less mentally taxing to read a plain language description of the logic than to decipher that by reading the code. Of course the caveat is that if someone modifies that part of the code and doesn’t update the description, then it could be confusing. I much prefer this to the culture that seems to prevail among some languages (such as Ruby) that the code should be self-documenting.

It is also my experience that writing comments (even the so-called flower boxes, e.g., Javadoc/JSDoc) force me to think about what the code is doing and its readability to future maintainers. If I find myself having to over-explain the block, I might rewrite it or extract it out to a function or class, the name of which summarizes the intent, therefore eliminating the need for the comment.

The more I see people opine on commenting style, the more I want to just spam the "you do you" button and get on with my life.

I have a way that I like to do it. Other people on my team have their own ways. My way is not hurting them. Their way is not hurting me. Either of us trying to impose our way on the other would hurt both of us.

My favorite comments are long winded apologies to my future self, or whoever has to work with the ugly hack I'm putting together to meet a deadline.

How, why, which, where, when, what, who.

The code says how. The commit says what, and where the edited lines were/are in which files, when the edits were committed, and who committed them.

The comments should say why, iff a why is needed.

> I find them useful as I write code because they allow me to state my intention (in plain English), translate it to code, then compare statements and see how well I’ve achieved my goal.

IMO this is exactly what unit tests should be used for. Replace these comments with unit tests and you're doing TDD. The practical difference is by stating your intention as unit tests, you not only verify your initial implementation is correct but also that any future changes remain correct.

If you are not careful, you end up with 1000s of tests that are tightly coupled to your implementation, testing internal details of your systems, not their behavior. They become a massive burden if you decide to refactor a system and change its internal implementation.

Do test-driven development, but consider deleting these internal tests once you have scoped out how your initial implementation should work.

I find the choice of the phrase “¿Como te llamas?” fascinating as evidence against “don’t do translation word for word in your head. ” Taken literally, “how (como) you (te) are called (llamas)” has no words in common with “what is your name”. The comments in the code would allow someone with a good Spanish vocabulary to actually translate into fluent English.

Yeah, it makes the complete opposite point of what the author is trying to say. Even as a beginning Spanish student, he didn't translate Spanish word-by-word, but phrase-by-phrase.

I think the bar of usefulness for comments should be pretty low. Most modern IDEs will dim them for you anyway, so it's minimal how visually annoying it is.

The problem is more that you might not have a comment when you need one. There's a lot of times when the author has thought a lot about something and thus understands it, but someone glancing over the code might not.


    def caterpillarMethod(A, s): 
      n = len(A)
      front, total = 0, 0
      for back in xrange(n):
        while (front < n and total + A[front] <= s):
          total += A[front]
          front += 1
        if total == s:
          return True
        total -= A[back]
Someone reading this might think it's O(n*2), because there's a loop in a loop and that often makes it so. But if you look closely it isn't. So maybe comment that.

Yep, and while I can understand what this is doing by going through it line-by-line, at a glance I haven't a clue. What is the high-level purpose of this function? This could be remedied with a few good comments.

Something I don't see mentioned at all is what I call 'div comments' which are solely for chunk organizing. I use something like the following quite a bit (in python/bash):

  # =============================================================================
  # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
  # =============================================================================

Doesn't give any hints about the codebase but (at least to me) it lets me see related blocks.

Sometimes a smell you should use multiple files or classes.

This is true, but sometimes it's not possible or awkward to do.

I find myself writing such separator comment blocks in userscripts quite a bit; and stylesheets where I do not have any tooling attached to it (e.g. mediawiki css).

I use dividers like this because they're visible in the mini-map view that editors like sublime/vscode/atom have.

I always wondered if the "useless comment" comment was really a way of bragging employed by experienced programmers (or their wannabes). Why is it a burden on anyone? Most IDE clearly highlight the comments so you can tune it out. Also, even if it is obvious, at least when a bug presents itself, you don't have to spend much time figuring out the intention of the author and if it is indeed a bug or by design.

These examples aren't great. Functions have names for a reason. Use them. Comments get outdated quickly, people forget/are too lazy to update them. Much less likely in my exp. that someone will not change a fn name if it's behaviour changes.

Comments should be reserved for non-obvious information. Github link, complex mathematics etc. Further, at what point does the relevance of a comment end? This ambiguity doesn't exist with a function.

    function addHorizontalScrollbar() {
      hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL);
      add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    function addVerticalScrollbar() {
      vScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
      add(vScrollBar, BorderLayout.EAST);

    function initializeScrollbarCaretPositions() {
      caretX = 0;
      caretY = 0;
      caretMemX = null;

> I find them useful as I write code because they allow me to state my intention (in plain English)

I have gone back and fourth on comments over the years, but currently I'm working on a solo project which has been in serious development for some time, and using comments in this way is really useful.

Especially because it's a domain I haven't done a ton of work in before, I've found my workflow is often to create a few source files, type out in comments what the component should do, and bit by bit hone in on how that should translate into code.

It's also great for placeholders: if I'm not ready to fill in an implementation yet, I can just type out a lengthy description in the function body, and when I come back a week later I can remember what the intent was.

I do the same thing for any major block - write out steps 1) 2) and so on as comments to help keep the end goal in mind.

I generally save comments for WTF code, or to put links that document what's going on. I try to abstract things as a lot of folks are mentioning here, but that just pushes things to another place. Eventually someone is going to need to debug that code. Here's a Puppeteer example, where text is being split into nodes to extract based on line breaks:

    /* https://medium.com/@roxeteer/javascript-one-liner-to-get-elements-text-content-without-its-child-nodes-8e59269d1e71 */
    return await this.page.$eval(selector, e => {
      const s = [].reduce.call(e.childNodes, function(a, b) { return a + (b.nodeType === 3 ? b.textContent : ''); }, '');
      return s.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim();

If you rewrite it so it's no longer a cryptic one-liner, it's probably easier to understand this way without a comment than the other way with one.

    return this.page.$eval(selector, (node) => Array
      .filter((child) => child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
      .map((child) => child.nodeValue)
      .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')

Hope this refactor was well unit tested, because it looks to do something a lot different from the original code.

  // Add a vertical scroll bar
  vScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
  add(vScrollBar, BorderLayout.EAST);
This actually is helpful if a somewhat long list of components is being added. It makes it easier to find ones way in that list. Kind of like an index. So it really is not a useless comment.

But there actually are useless comments. Like when people are told to explain every class member and one ends up with

DatabaseConnection conn; // connection to the database

This really is just clutter and the next problem is that it needs to be updated alongside the code. I once had a colleague advocating adding a comment for every parameter that a method has and then he would himself not update these if parameters were removed. That really is not very good.

For me these comments are useful for two reasons:

1) If you know the author of the code (includes yourself) and you know their comments are a good indication of the code, you just read them and move along. No need to understand what they do.

2) If you don't know the author or you know their comments are often out of date (which you can check with git blame but let's ignore that) the comments tells you what the original intention was, and with an already mental model its easier to read code and understand what it's doing, even if it contains mistakes (in the worst case the code will have nothing to do, so it will be like if you had no comment).

I wrote obvious comments to obvious code. No one else looks at my code but I do, a lot. The result is easy navigation of many many lines of code. The comments act as an index and summary to each section.

When it comes to comments, be verbose!

I always try to write a comment that say "why" the following code is needed or what concept it implements rather than what it does in details.

I would do

    // We allow scrolling in two directions
    hScrollBar = new JScrollBar(scrollBar, HORIZONTAL);
    add(hScrollBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    vScrollBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
    add(vScrollBar, BorderLayout.EAST);
    caretX = 0;
    caretY = 0;
    caretMemX = null;
(I don't have much inspiration in this specific example)

I agree in principle. If it takes more than more than a second to grok what a particular bit of code is doing, it should have a comment (or be extracted into a method).

However, in my experience, it's common for either:

1. Code to get changed, but the relevant comments are unchanged, or

2. Comments that are just as hard to understand as the code

In both cases, it's even harder to understand the comment+code than if there was no comment at all

I write comments based on what I expect I will need to know if I close the editor and don’t look at the code again for a couple years and will need to jump back into it as quickly as possible. That usually means I don’t want to waste the time of future me reconstructing what the code denotes if I could just write it down in a comment in he first place.

I quite often use region/endregion comments to group methods of an interface being implemented, especially if a class implements multiple interfaces. The advantage of those is that an IDE/editor can collapse them and it is easier to see hat methods belong to which interfaces.

Article mentions my preferred take: stating my intention to help keep me honest on what I am trying to achieve.

Also: they function like an anchor tag. If you are spelunking a new code base for a specific functional area, a search in plain English would let you jump to the right spot more quickly.

This text reminds me of the fact that value judgements are personal and subjective. So, one man's benefit is another man's cost.

To make matters worse, it's hard to do math with these things, thus net benefit can't possibly be calculated.

99% of code is internal and something noone unexperienced will look at.

If you're writing code for a tutorial for newbies then yeah, it makes sense to add obvious comments. But that's really it. The author is overstating his case.

I have the exact opposite point of view. 99% of the code is written by inexperienced people and passed on to the next generation that of inexperienced developers.

Most development has been, is and will be for the foreseeable future outsourced, not in house. I don’t like that, but I have seen things.

Too much comment about is never a severe problem. At most a distraction.

You know what, I think you're right I should have been more specific.

99% of code that matters is written by experienced people in my opinion. I.e. the OS, the browser, your favourite apps, websites and programming libraries.

Would you agree with that?

A tangential point is that the syntax coloring configuration in the editor should emphasize comments.

If comments are de-emphasized (e.g. grayed out compared to code) you will get bad comments and comments out of sync with the code.

I think it's stupid when people say they don't think code comments are good or necessary. It's a weirdly religious debate and frankly I think having a ton of code comments is great. Some of my closest friends think that all comments are absolutely unnecessary. We didn't work in the same code repos.

I think 2 IDE features would make things easier for everyone:

1) have an option to remove code comments from view if you don't like them

2) tie a code comment to a piece of code and enforce it. If you change that piece of code, you should be forced to update and tied comments, or force to check that the comment is still correct. And have the fact that you approve a comment should be a part of the check in, so people can trace it.

1) Early versions of UNIX were shipped in source form with code comments stripped, for better readability and maintenability of the code. Google "obfuscation".

2) IMHO, it's better to assign a premium for the comment fix at GitHub. Your time is expensive, so it's better to outsource this distracting task to someone in India, because English is the official language in India. And track all that via a smart contract on a blockchain.

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