I really didn't mean for the comment to come across that way. I fully agreed with "it sounds great because it is great". I just wanted to provide another perspective too.
No, I completely get that. I'm just adding some of my background to show my thoughts. I know there are other areas and other people that command higher prices.
Learn the skills for the job you want, claim you do that stuff on your current resume (within reason), and jump ship. Most prospective employers won't push too hard with needing references from your current place of employment. Find your best mate at your last job, edit that portion of your resume, and fill them in on the details.
I've been at the same company for 9 years straight out of college. The company doesn't allow employees to give any references for people who are leaving.
If you're in the US, there is only an -infinitesimal- chance that they'll actually ask for references for a software job.
They'll likely run a background check and make sure your resume isn't obviously lying (they'll confirm start/end dates and title, basically), and make sure you're not a criminal, MAYBE do a credit and/or drug test.