Yes it's fine if people want to create a new buzzword for some special case. But people act like it's a revolutionary idea that will allow them to finally address unsolved problems (and ergo deserve funding for).
"Light fields" is one that always annoyed me. People who are apparently unaware of centuries of knowledge and methods in electromagnetism, developing "new" ways to solve problems crudely. That's great if they can make some cool new imaging system, but is it research deserving of long-term high-risk funding? It's just something that anyone skilled in optics can work out if they thought to build it.
"Light fields" is one that always annoyed me. People who are apparently unaware of centuries of knowledge and methods in electromagnetism, developing "new" ways to solve problems crudely. That's great if they can make some cool new imaging system, but is it research deserving of long-term high-risk funding? It's just something that anyone skilled in optics can work out if they thought to build it.