I understand your concern and agree that I am being extremely direct. It's not out of spite. On the one hand, it comes from my frustration with what I as an engineer perceive to be wrong advice. It feels to me like OP is using Docker because he read a blog post about it somewhere, never seriously thought about alternatives, then stuck with it and now recommends it to others, repeating a cycle where software gets worse and worse. And on the other hand, being direct is more concise. We all have little time and I feel that to get a point across on the internet, one has to get it across quickly and succinctly. I have no problem with my views being criticised and I'll be happy to concede where I was wrong if someone makes a clear and harsh point. But either way, I'm sorry if I offended you in particular or others who did not comment; It was not my intention. Having read this thread, I think much of the difference of opinion comes from different contexts. People who like Docker often seem to be working in larger teams, which is totally fine and they're probably right to use Docker. I just couldn't help but disagree with a statement that I felt pertains to an area I work in, which is small SaaS of tiny teams with usually no scalability requirements.
I get where you're coming from and you didn't offend me at all. I'd just been looking at the top comments of a bunch of HN threads and thinking "why does this place seem so unfriendly". Your comment isn't anywhere close to being the worst, it just happened to be the one I responded to.
And being direct isn't a bad thing either, my point here wasn't "don't be direct or concise, you'll offend people" but "assuming everyone here is reasonable, disagreements are likely due to differences in experience and you'll have a more productive discussion by figuring out the differences than simply stating opinions".
You are making judgments about OP using Docker. But from my point of view you are a true pain to work with because you do not containerise your work. Anytime I'd have to work with one of your creations I'd have to go figure what you are using, set it up and make sure it works. That's a waste of time and you are promoting that very fact because you were unable to figure any usage for it. I doubt OP has only "read some blog post about it somehwere" It's literally wide in usage by a lot of companies. "People who like Docker often seem to be working in larger teams, which is totally fine and they're probably right to use Docker." -> it's actually about that, it is useful is scaling that's true, but it's also very useful just to share the env your software should work with. And I'd dare to say that giving a Dockerfile is now standard practice.
You're judging my code without ever having seen it, nor knowing the context of my projects. You won't have to work with my creations because as I explained my projects usually involve just me. As I also explained above, i think Docker can make sense in companies. And re "standard practice", I like to make decisions on what's best for each project, not by dogma.
What if you want to run the code on a different architecture? In that case isn't it better to document which "pip install" etc. you have to perform to get it running? And from there do you really still need docker?