I really like the authors philosophy. Too many developers use a bunch of tools, and you get the impression that it's just for the sake of tooling, or because that's how you're expected to do things. You can keep scaling a single server and deploying via simple git hooks for years until you need a more fancy setup.
Especially for side projects, you want to use the minimum amount of tooling that gets out of your way so you can focus on building a great product. To me, a weekend spent doing auxiliary or unessential stuff like configuring Kubernetes or whatever feels really fatiguing and demotivating when you don't have a lot of time to work on the project otherwise.
Using tools and services is the easiest way to profit off the work of other people (stand on the shoulders of giants), and choosing the right tools for your use case can save you SO MUCH work.
With side projects, maybe there is a certain thing I want to get out of it - eg I want to focus on design more. With the myriad of tools out there, I can then choose something that makes development less involved, and lets me focus on design. Or vice versa - if I only care about the dev side, I can import eg tailwind or buy a web components lib and call it a day.
It is fun to learn, but it sucks to yak-shave [1] all the time.
The simplicity of the stack lets me walk away for days (or years) at a time, come back, and easily ship changes. No need to remember esoteric commands, configs, or get bitten by strange infrastructure upgrades.
I'm lazy, and I'm just looking for ways to be lazier. :-)
Did you mean to expose your postgres port to the world?
Adding the port declaration to the docker file exposes it to other containers on the same network/machine, adding it in docker-compose exposes it to the world.
Especially for side projects, you want to use the minimum amount of tooling that gets out of your way so you can focus on building a great product. To me, a weekend spent doing auxiliary or unessential stuff like configuring Kubernetes or whatever feels really fatiguing and demotivating when you don't have a lot of time to work on the project otherwise.