Well, that's embarrassing. Thanks for educating me. I don't know how it didn't click that out of all the CNS depressants I know, only the one (Rohypnol) isn't found pleasant by people (within some dose range). Turns out I was wrong.
I remembered years ago reading, and recognizing as BS, some policeman's story about a bust of GHB dealers, implying there were no recreational uses, and that it must be intended for date-rape. Yet somehow I still believed some TV scare report in high school that having Rohypnol without a prescription could only mean it was intended for date-rape.
On a side note, I did know of recreational chloroform use. My dad is a retired anesthesiologist, and our family kind of adopted one of his closest work friends, a much older nurse anesthitist, as a surrogate third grandmother. In the old days, after a long surgical case, she would often drive home pleasantly buzzed from second-hand chloroform inhalation. In the old days, the nurse anesthetist would sit right over the patient with a stopwatch and an eye dropper full of chloroform, adding a few drops to gauze over the patient's mouth every time the patient's pulse got a bit fast.