Don't be an old curmudgeon. :) There were a couple of absolute gems in the Flash era but there was an absolute boatload of crap as well. The most creative TikTok-ers are absolutely innovating storytelling and filmography just as the most creative Flash creators were innovating in their own medium.
It's just that when we look back we remember the gems but not the river of crap, but when we look at the present we see the river too.
> There were a couple of absolute gems in the Flash era but there was an absolute boatload of crap as well.
Don't 90% of Youtube videos get less than a thousand views [0]? There are millions of videos on TikTok, I'd imagine the algorithm results in the same 80-20 ish sort of balance.
Yes, there were bad Flash projects. But just like everything else, we remember the good ones.
It's just that when we look back we remember the gems but not the river of crap, but when we look at the present we see the river too.