Yep, it exists as! The team is making tons of progress including the new pinecone project. It regularly gets talked about in if you want to keep up to date.
It's not decentralized because it's federated, client-server chat software. This is more decentralized than Discord or what-have-you, but it requires reliance on multiple centralized internet services and authorities, as I outlined.
I'm well aware that FOSS projects tend to be underfunded. Matrix is an outlier with some large grants fueling the project and opaque organizational structure.
> What you seem to want is a peer-to-peer solution, which at this point in time is not something Matrix has built or claims to have built.
Peer-to-peer is not absolutely necessary (it can be both). There's nothing wrong with routing message through a network, but e2ee is absolutely necessary, and it took until May this year for Matrix to enable that feature by default. Most importantly, in Matrix, your identity is associated with and controlled by a homeserver. It's under someone else's control. That's not good... Your identity should be under your control. We've known how to do this with asymmetric encryption for at least a couple of decades.
Wow, there's some spectacular FUD going on here. "Opaque organisational structure"? Have you even read, which I personally spent months trying to make as transparent as possible?
> What you seem to want is a peer-to-peer solution, which at this point in time is not something Matrix has built or claims to have built.
Don't let the negatity and accusations here bring you down. I have great faith in what you're doing and greatly anticipate what is to come. I also really liked the post on backdoors and the EU proposal.
I've managed to talk 6 people into making an account ( and using element. None of them are linux-y or tech-y and they've mostly managed fine (apart from help with setting up e2ee, exporting keys etc which I helped with).
Is the app dead easy to use (like WhatsApp, Viber, Signal)? No it isn't but it's understandable.
Gosh sorry I remember seeing that post, but for some reason I thought it was more of a concept without anything shipped yet. I should do a better job of reading.
> Sorry, you're complaining that we... did the thing you want us to do? But it took longer than you wanted? My heart bleeds.
Wasn't complaining. I don't use Matrix.
> Meanwhile, portable identities are also in active development (as part of P2P),
Portable identities should be how it works by default. Nobody should be asked to sign up with a server and share their email address and metadata with it.
I am an open source fanatic but I also acknowledge there is no tenable way to make fully decentralized communications palatable to the masses. Federation is a necessary feature because its way more important to draw people away from the status quo of totally proprietary walled gardens farming all your communications for data with no privacy than it is to march for some Tox based holier than thou crusade against having to trust someone to run a server to provide a service.
Keep in mind software of this kind doesn't just [poof] appear out of's typically built incrementally on meager budgets.
What you seem to want is a peer-to-peer solution, which at this point in time is not something Matrix has built or claims to have built.