School starting times are one of the worst things for night owls and I hope ongoing research helps to raise awareness and bring change so night owl kids don't needlessly have to suffer for 10+ years.
I long thought having different school starting/ending times is the way to go. Like one cohort starting at 8 and another starting at 10 or even 11.
Standing up at 8 is hard for me and I'm happy to be in a job where I can start working at 10, but here in Bavaria school starts at 08:15 and I had to set my alarm to 06:30 for a huge part of my life even tho I rarely fell asleep before 00:30,sometimes much later. The result was that I regularly missed a day of school, because I was just too tired to go. Luckily my parents were supportive.
Also my performance on the 8am classes was much worse than on later classes. In university I skipped all 8am lectures and even skipped early exams and waited for a "better scheduled" exam.
The worst part about it was how non-understanding all the early-birds are. They just didn't grasp that asking me to be awake and productive at 8am was like asking them to do work after 11pm and that "just go to bed earlier" isn't a working solution. Just ignorance of a different rythm.
I strongly believe this has heavily affected my education.
For half of secondary and whole high school I had to wake up at 6 to bus around 80 minutes to school (usually starting at 8:30). I barely kept awake during these early hours, I was also severely sleep-deprived and low on energy all that time. My grades were also sub-par. I had no motivation to pick up anything after school; even gave up on programming (which I started around 8 y.o.)
Then I went to university and moved closer to the city centre. The lectures usually started at 9 or later. The quality of my sleep and live in general increased enormously. I was staying up later then before, yet I had more energy. Even managed to pick up new hobbies and come back to my tinkering with programming which lead to the start of my current career.
What I'd do is just show up late to high school each day, walk into the vice principal's office and plead nolo contendere, and get a detention. Then by the end of the week I'd have enough detentions to roll them into a single saturday detention, so I'd show up to school then and bring my laptop and code which looked like work so they'd let me do it. Then I got a job at Google where they'd let me show up late and I'd talk in the cafeteria about all the coding I did while in saturday detention and people would be like, oh holy crap that was you?!
Ah, yeah this is what I should have done, but every adult I had around me treated detention like it was some kind of black mark.
Then again, I don't think laptops were normalized enough, and would probably have been banned during Saturday detention.
It's wonderful how you were able to use a system stacked against you for your own benefit, this is the kind of world I wish we could provide for everyone...
It's funny that I'm less tired and have more energy as an adult than I did as a child (isn't it supposed to be the other way around?) It's pretty rare that I show up to work in a tired state, but it was a daily occurrence at school.
Kids and teens need a lot more sleep, perhaps 2+ hours more than adults. I recall many slow mornings being harassed by my mom to get up already, it's time to go. Without a helpful mother, oof, I would have missed a lot more days of school.
My high school in Argentina had a night shift for the students in the last two years due to space constraints in the building. I’d go in at 5-6PM and leave at 22:30. The best two years of my time in school. The amount of effort I had to put in vs the amount I absorbed dropped drastically. And driving against traffic (against the people leaving the city), enjoying the lower temperatures in warm months, having lunch and dinner at home, not having to miss school to go to a doctor or a store that runs 9-5. Everything just makes sense to me.
The pandemic has been fantastic for me. I don’t have to show up for work until morning Zoom standup at 10:30. I’m really not looking forward to having to wake up early when this is all over.
Yeah, in secondary (high) school it was not uncommon for me to basically nap the first class or two. Luckily I got pretty good grades and was capable of self study to keep ahead of the content and no subject was consistently a morning class, so I had no worse consequences than a teacher asking my parents if I was doing OK at home.
I currently start my working day at 10, but I'd prefer it a bit later. I notice I start getting really productive around 16-17 - when all the early birds stop working (which also means less interruptions and meetings)
My natural sleeping rhythm always seem to drift towards 3-4 -> 12 in weekends or when I take a few days off.
I mentioned 10 or 11, because I believe a shift of a couple of hours (by 1 or 2 classes) already brings a tremendous benefit for many students, while having only a small impact on the schools organization and other social activites of students (like late afternoon club activities). So while not ideal, I think the change is actually easily implementable without too many negative consequences.
Personally, I would be even more productive in an afternoon only school. I did work for a while from 1pm to 8pm and I really enjoyed how rested I was, but this schedule definitely limits available club activites.
My sophomore year in college all of my classes started after noon. It was by far the best I ever remember feeling in my entire life because of how well rested I was.
I like this idea, and I think the research has backed it for decades - I wrote a letter to my Senator, Hillary Clinton, in support of later school starts back in middle school that cited such work. I think it hasn't happened for two reasons:
1. School is childcare for a lot of people; secondary schools let out early so older siblings can take care of younger ones.
2. As COVID has shown - it's difficult to manage multiple hybrid schedules and cohorts in an equitable way, especially if you're not expanding the number of teachers (which most districts can't due to budget constraints)
This is a little US-centric, but I suspect it applies broadly to the rest of the West at least.
My school had a morning and afternoon shift (I think this is common in my country). You would get assigned to the A or B shift and rotate weekly, so one week I would go to school in the morning at 8am and the next one in the afternoon at 2pm. Even though it was harder to wake up for the 8am classes, I think it was better than staying until 7pm in school when it's already dark and there is no day left for play. It was torture waking up early, esp. in the cold winters, but having to walk (often run) 2 or 3 km to school to come just in time would stimulate the wake-up.
Where I grew up (Bulgaria) a lot of schools have 1 term starting in the afternoon until evening and 1 early in the morning so everyone can be screwed over to some extent but not the whole time.
All my standardized testing options (SAT/ACT) were early in the morning because of the myth that this is peak performance time. My personal peak energy is around 1-2pm.
I don't think this is it. You can shift your sleep schedule by several hours and have it still be "natural" if you choose to. I'm not talking about massive 12-hour changes or anything, but in college I would routinely sleep from about 2am-10am if left to my own devices. That's what felt best for me at the time, and it continued for a year or two after. The problem was that I was always tired because I would have to wake up around 7 for work, then I would get a "second wind" around 9pm and not be able to sleep until 1 or 2.
After a few week of forcing myself to go to bed earlier, even if it meant staring at the ceiling, it went away and getting up early was not an issue anymore. It also got easier as I got older, and there is some evidence that some people's circadian rhythms will shift earlier as they age but over the course of decades, not months or even a few years.
If you're physically unable to shift your sleep schedule even a couple hours, you have a sleep disorder and should see a physician. 8 or 9am is not all that early.
This is the kind of anecdotal response I was referring to with my statement. While I agree that you can shift your rhythm by a couple of hours, that does not mean standing up at 6:30 will ever be natural for me.
Against your anecdote, I present myself starring at the ceiling (which is torture for me, I can not shut off my brain, ever.) for many many school years to no effect. I did try many things, because it's certainly not fun to feel tired all the time. But if left to my own devices I get into a 3am-11am rhythm and have worked like this in my adulthood for multiple years.
I can rather easily shift by 2 hours to a 1am to 9am rhythm without much impact, I do feel the impact (tiredness, hard to fall asleep) of a 3 hour shift from midnight to 8am and I'm absolutly unable to go to bed at 10:30 so I can be rested at 6:30. Even if I manage to fall asleep that soon (e.g. from physical exhaustion), I will not be rested at all when standing up at 6:30.
Interesting enough, I can also shift my rhythm by a similar amount in the other direction. A lot of my social life happens online and when I was spending 6 months in a timezone 7 hours shifted from my local friends, I could shift my rhythm to go to bed between 5 and 6am so I have more overlapping online-time with them, but I couldn't shift it further.
So, how is your response not ignorance of a different rhythm?
Same from my experience, except staring at the ceiling had effect -- it made harder for me to fall asleep and instead of getting to bed at 3-4am and falling asleep almost instantly, I got to bed at 1-2am and fallen asleep after 5-7am.
Tried it multiple times for week-two. Never again I will do this mistake.
I stand by my opinion that calling a common evolutionary adaptation a disorder is abusive and disrespectful and needlessly oppressive, no different from treating women or gay as inferior.
I do not have a fucking disorder! I just sleep differently!
When I sleep as I need, I feel great! It's only when I tried to follow idiotic schedule which ignores seasons, natural cycles and variations, that I felt bad.
Sleep schedule theory tries to cram a living, breathing being into oversimplified one size fits all box, with perilous consequences.
> I do not have a fucking disorder! I just sleep differently!
Ok, well, delayed phase sleep disorder is in fact a disorder that can lead to serious health problems, even when people are allowed to self-select their sleep schedules. One proposal for the mechanism is that the circadian cycle is longer than 24 hours, which is in fact a medical problem. Society didn’t make the day 24 hours long. People without DPSD can generally fall asleep earlier than normal if they are sleep-deprived, but not people with DPSD.
DPSD is very different than normal “night owl” syndrome, and is not an issue of society refusing to acknowledge different schedules. Are you sure you even have DPSD?
> abusive and disrespectful and needlessly oppressive, no different from treating women or gay as inferior.
Please please please please stop trivializing misogyny and homophobia with these ridiculous and narcissistic comparisons. “No different” - reeeeeaaaalllllly? Things are more difficult socially and professionally for people with DPSD. But they don’t get killed for it! You don’t have people musing about how DPSD are duplicitous wenches who are running our culture.
> Please please please please stop trivializing misogyny and homophobia with these ridiculous and narcissistic comparisons. “No different” - reeeeeaaaalllllly? Things are more difficult socially and professionally for people with DPSD.
Yeah, they are different. But not completely different. It is hard to be understanding to a social norm, when that social norms are responsible for a life full of mornings when I want to sleep, but instead I drag myself out of the bed and kick myself to keep awake.
I mean, it is happened already, there is no way to undid damage done. It is happening now, and forgotmypw17 shows us the expected reaction to a proposition to find another way to make some people to conform with social norms even when their physiology doesn't want it. I'm not saying that his attitude is constructive, rational, or the best possible, or even acceptable, but you'll get a lot of it, if you keep saying to people "we'll find a way to make you normal".
(It is mine reaction also: who do you think you are, to believe that you are more normal than me?! To write social norms ignoring my needs? To force me to conform to that stupid social norms? To make me think that I'm lazy because I cannot wake up in the morning, I have no will because I'm sleepy till 11:00, or in some other ways inferior? It is hard to not speak my mind in that style, because I hate those norms from the school. Now I'm 40, and my hate stewed for decades.).
> Society didn’t make the day 24 hours long.
It did. Maybe 200 years ago 24 hours long day was not a society's fault, but now it is. We have electricity now and electrical lights. One could be perfectly well and functioning even at night. Just some people think that if their sleep cycle aligned with Earth's rotations, it makes them special and superior.
> who do you think you are, to believe that you are more normal than me?!
If an overwhelmingly large proportion of a population exhibits tendency A and a smaller group tendency B, we describe the first group as normal. It’s not a value judgement so much as it is a useful description using a word from the dictionary.
It’s hard to think of something which is more of a value judgement than the use of the word ‘normal’.
It happens to correspond to the statistical definition, and certainly that is the mathematical meaning, but in every domain outside of pure mathematics, it always implies a value judgement.
There are different meanings for a word "normal". The meaning could be just a statistical average, in some cases. But in any case when we say "normal" the receiving side of communication hears all meanings of a word "normal". Even if the receiving side managed to filter irrelevant meanings of the word "normal" correctly, nevertheless all filtered meanings were heard.
Moreover in this particular case it is not just about statistical averages, it is about social norms which were built around statistical averages. So a normality in this case it is also the rights to have social norms to be built with a respect to my needs.
People are downplaying the extent to which habits and preferences have an impact. Staying in bed late will shift forward your circadian rhythm. Blue-light emitting electronics will suppress melatonin at night and raise cortisol.
Before the industrial revolution few were staying up all night regularly unless they were on night shift. Bright light and multimedia available at night changed.
> Add to the fact, adherence to a fixed advanced sleep/wake schedule can lead to significant circadian phase shifts in adults with DSPD
This statement is not supported by your link:
> 25 adults...with late sleep schedules and subclinical features of delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD).
The "subclinical features" part is important! I am not trying to step into the "habits versus nature" part for healthy night owls / morning larks, but actual clinical DPSD is a significant medical problem that is very clearly not related to habits or sleep hygiene. Which means comments like this:
> Before the industrial revolution few were staying up all night regularly unless they were on night shift. Bright light and multimedia available at night changed.
are truly irrelevant here, and inappropriately judgmental of people with a real illness.
If I'm not mistaken, that was research in mice. Mice are nocturnal and do not likely have the same entrainment patterns with respect to blue (sky) light.
There are still valuable things that can be learned from that kind of research, but the popular coverage really missed the mark by directly extrapolating from research in mice to human circadian rhythms.
According to research I've found, red light will raise cortisol but not suppress melatonin production. Blue light does both. Don't remember which paper, but I found this one suggesting that blue light is worse than regular white light (which includes the blue spectrum) at suppressing melatonin:
If they miss too much high school they can be arrested for truancy, they can be verbally and physically assaulted by parents or peers, find themselves completely ostracized from society and unable to find professional work that suits their skill level, etc. They face significant discrimination, harassment, and exclusion. If that doesn't kill them, they might just do the job themselves.
It is very easy to find your own cycle. I found that my natural hours for sleep are from 3am to 9am. I can easily fall asleep when I go to bed say 2:45am and feel great when I wake up. If I try to go to sleep at 1am, it's pointless. I am too alert and have to get up and do things.
Yet the responder slates the original posters valid take by being reductive. Why not point out the cause of this reduction was started in this instance by the badly written press release? Surely not all night owl folk or all "DPSD" folk have something they, if society wasn't making expectations, works benefit from terming a "disorder"? To dive in with rhetoric that misses the whole category mistake (between not just the two overlapping but apparently unfortunately conflated terms, but those who see worth in holding their situation to be a disorder and those who don't) borders on disingenuous. Also, can one not imagine how the lives of people who naturally sleep like way(s) have been crushed with employment opportunities curtailed by major and minor parts of society thus far? To call that lack of imagination "ablist" does not admit that those who sleep differently all have a disorder.
> I stand by my opinion that calling a common evolutionary adaptation a disorder is abusive and disrespectful and needlessly oppressive
While I agree with the general statement and dislike that a disorder might give the implication that it is abnormal and needs treatment, I rather have it acknowledged as a disorder than being told to just go to bed earlier. It's not ideal, but definitely better than ignoring it.
Id rather not be told when to go to bed.
Its like saying left handed people are wrong-handed. It's dangerous territory. Live and let live. Vive le difference.
> I do not have a fucking disorder! I just sleep differently!
It seems to me that if the issue is classified as medical disorder, it may have some advantages in relation with society, e.g. requirement for employers to accommodate it.
It is generally much stronger position than 'it is just my preference'.
> evolutionary adaptation ... seasons, natural cycles and variations
I noticed the amount of sleep I need varies significantly. In the summer I usually do OK with 6-7 hours, in the winter I need 8-10. And it makes sense! In winter the days are short and food is scarce, so the best strategy is to save energy and wait for summer.
My mood follows a similar seasonal cycle.
On another note, I highly recommend the r/n24 (named after non-24 hour circadian rhythm) subreddit and their Discord for support and discussion on all kinds of sleep disorders. It was very validating for me to find people with the same struggles.
I can understand the sentiment, but as someone who has the symptoms (though up until now I thought that's just a bad habit), I can assure you that this can be straining on social life, work life and relationships.
Also better understanding this can help with social acceptance.
Edit: E.g. yes, I stay up late but that's not because I don't care or want to be an ass or whatever; it's because I genuinely can not sleep for reasons outside of my control and going to bed at 10 or 11 is actually unhealthy for me.
Medicating that or living with it is a different question.
You forgot "I checked my symptoms, it must be super-cancer" ;)
Of course on HN we're all smart enough to be immune to it /s
I could have been more precise that I deem this a mere possibility for myself, not a factum. I responded to the parent for the other reasons, but wanted to add some weight to my opinion because I can definitely relate to the symptoms, independent of the actual cause.
I once casually mentioned that I wished a day was 25 hours long to my family doctor and he gave me a lecture on how the majority of population does in fact have a sleep cycle of at least 25 hours.
That is, if I go to bed at 23:00, wake up on my own, then I will be able to fall asleep only at midnight. The only "fix" for this drift is to under-sleep each day, but that all but guarantees shitty and groggy first two hours. I really hate this, it's such a nuisance.
The good news is that there is apparently a lot of us who are his way. Yaaay.
I don't know what they debunked, but I do know that if I follow my natural sleeping rhythm, the wake-up time keeps advancing by an hour a day. If I wake up an hour earlier to compensate for this, it's really hard and unpleasant to do and I feel like shit afterwards.
So what I converged to is sleeping 2 hours less on weekdays and then sleep in on the weekends. This is marginally better, but still Fridays aren't very nice.
Now, how can we fix this, and bring all these productive escapees back into the mindless, chattering, open-floor swamp the rest of us lurks during the day so our alpha male masters can keep up the illusion that there is a crowd to govern for a purpose? /s
That was unnecessarily combative and melodramatic. There are better ways of making point, may be the expectation of politeness is "abusive and disrespectful" to you as well. The comment reeks of persecution complex
Maybe they have actually been persecuted because of what their body naturally pefers sleep wise?
I'm not surprised that someone who sounds like they've been bullied over this would have their upset show through when they speak about something that directly related to this.
It was possibly meant as a joke but there well maybe some truth in it. As a long suffering insomniac, I am surely crabbier when I get worse sleep than the usual.
"expecting the majority of people not to be insinctively disgusted by your sexual practices is anti-social."
You should not make such strong statements, you betray poor knowledge of history.
Ancient Greece, and Rome here were were quite accepting of homosexuality. Hiduis have entire temples with states engaging in various sexual activity, including honosexual, group sex, etc.
Also what is "being anti-social"? Like what does it mean in this context - is anyone disagreeing with 'status quo' antisocial?
Was Ghandi anti-social, are histers and goths antisocial?
It might be a construct but it's not fictional? The very "subscribing to" the social order is what makes it real. There are very real (social) consequences for people who go against the grain too much.
No! It's just the normality, from a statistical point of view.
People have the right to expect statistical normality in other people. Respecting everyone is fundamental, but people cannot be required to anticipate anyone's quirk.
> No! It's just the normality, from a statistical point of view.
No. Cultural normality may at times be very similar with, but is not the same dimension as statistical normality.
It's easy to see in soon-to-envelope-the-world trends.
A small sub-sect of people do something abnormal, the image generated is pushed throughout society and media as an actionable concept (sociocultural normal), and then the trend becomes achievable en masse. If the trend is a huge hit, everyone does it (statistically normal).
>People have the right to expect statistical normality in other people.
Let me play devils' advocate here for a moment.
Apply that argument to any sociocultural phenomenon or identity, and see if the argument seems humane and considerate.
That statement precludes a lot of people, and I don't think it's anywhere near a right.
It is not clever to call it "a right to expect normality in other people". You have the freedom to have wrong expectations about other people and should not be punished for that, as long as you change your assumptions once you know the persons reality and don't mistreat them for not matching your expectations. And that last part is not that easy because people tend to not verify assumptions, yet act quickly and in hostile ways to perceived failure to fulfill expectations.
Note the closeness of "Expecting someone to do/be something" and notice how many in this thread tell stories of trying to have a normal sleep-cycle, failing, getting shunned by society, being unable to function properly after forcing themselves to conform, feeling wrong, feeling defective, and that over decades, often going back to childhood. People compare it to left-handedness and how our society mishandled those in the past, and are fearful our society might expect them, even consider it normal, to get chemical treatment in the near future. People try to fulfill absurd expectations and suffer from it.
The way you phrased your demand makes you sound ego-maniacal, like you demand a right to mistreat people for not matching your expectation, like you blame your lack of empathy and decency on them being quirky, like you disrespect people for not being normal. Those are the worst interpretations of your words. There is some truth in the best interpretation, i can see that, see the freedom i mentioned above, but that "being disgusted", "anti-social" and "tyrannical" in your now flagged comment doesn't sound like you are "fundamentally respecting everyone" at all.
> People have the right to expect statistical normality in other people.
Except, that there often is a disconnect between statistical normality, and normality. For the longest time, people were expected to be men, despite how glaringly obvious that is false.
Still, people are often expected to be rich (median wealth in US is below 100k), well-educated (more than half have no degree).
Our society is still filled with things we expect to be normal, but it is often unclear which becomes first. Is society starting up at 7am because there are few night owls, or are there few night owls because society starts up at 7am in the morning?
I'm not sure about that. To keep with the examples you stated earlier as being normative (namely being disgusted by homosexuality and being an early riser), for example, I am neither. Which according to your opinion is abnormal and should be shunned by society, because you consider not shunning homosexuals and nightowls anti-social. That sounds fairly dogmatic in these specific cases, and in general the attitude that minority behavior and tolerance of minority behavior should both be punished is itself a dogma.
To be fair, I don't see how dogma is avoidable. My assertion that minority lifestyles should not be shunned as long as they don't harm anyone is also dogmatic. It's just that we all have a habit of calling principles we disagree with dogma.
But if I had one shot to change your mind about this specific issue, my argument would be like this: there are so many opinions to be had and so many behaviors to engage in. Chances are, you are yourself also holding opinions or doing activities that are not shared by the majority. Do you consider those tendencies abnormal and anti-social? You may not like homosexuals or nightowls, but surely there are things where you diverge from the statistical everydayman? Would you then apply those policies of social repercussions to these activities by default because their existence threatens the integrity of the majority? And if so, why do you allow yourself those outlier behaviors, but don't apply the same tolerance to others?
> expeting the majority of people not to expect you to be productive at 8.00 AM is anti-social
> expecting the majority of people not to be insinctively disgusted by your sexual practices is anti-social
I strongly object to this characterization.
How is letting people live their life "tiranny (sic) of the minority"? You think instinctive disgust for other lifestyles is and should be the norm?
I realize that the term diversity has been poisoned in public discussion, but for lack of a better term: diverse cultures are stronger, both in biology and I would argue socially as well. On the other hand, the authoritarian monoculture you advocate is a joyless and brittle construct that has to be policed strongly and viciously all the time or it will fall apart immediately, and it also doesn't have any immune response to radicalizing forces.
In this specific case, a society with nightowls can do more than one without. There are plenty of jobs that have shifts where not being a nightowl destroys people. An ex girlfriend of mine had to do regular night shifts at the hospital. It became a real health issue for her, but me being a nightowl freelance programmer at the time voluntarily keeping the same schedule, I was doing just fine.
Being a nightowl is also a social equalizer to an extent, because it allows people who are not rich enough to live distraction-free lives to carve out a time of the day where interuptions are virtually non-existent.
Good point, thank you! I have the bad habit of editing posts for a few minutes until they're done, and posting raw versions as I'm working on them. I should probably stop that.
> no different from treating women or gay as inferior.
Jesus Christ are you serious?
I've never heard of somebody getting beaten (possibly to death), getting mocked at work or fired or publicly shamed because they go to bed late and get up late, disorder or not.
I've never heard of somebody getting paid less, be dismissed or denied the right to vote because of their sleep cycle.
> just to clarify, I don't agree with the original parent comment's comparisons to sexuality etc.
I have second hand experience (one of my relatives) about being dismissed for being a woman. Anectodal example (this was in the late '70s / early '80s iirc): she was taking an exam at the university (engineering faculty) and she was told that she taking exam was nice and everything but women are really supposed to stay at home and knit socks.
You see, that's the point. Yeah you might have been considered "lacking" and by your own admisson being late wasn't the only reason. It's a bummer, okay.
But can you, in all honesty, compare that to seeing your studies, your work or your job application or your opinion being dismissed because of your biological sex? Really?
> But can you, in all honesty, compare that to seeing your studies, your work or your job application or your opinion being dismissed because of your biological sex? Really?
> just to clarify, I don't agree with the original parent comment's comparisons to sexuality etc.
I already said that, no, I don't think it is a fair comparison.
> It's a bummer, okay.
It's a bit more than that.
But its less than centuries of discrimination and oppression.
Like I said, I think this is a problem society is yet to deal with.
I never said it was an urgent top of the to-do list priority.
It was overdramaticized, but yeah - shorter lifespan, lifelong torture of being permanently tired, missing quite a lot of jobs(because they must start at 7am, no exceptions).
well I have problems with getting up early myself, I don't need to imagine it, yet I wouldn't compare that to the hardships that homosexuals and women have suffered through history.
I‘m a scientist diagnosed with delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD). I studied the related protein CRY2 for part of my PhD (ironically not why I joined the lab), and now I’m doing human genomics research. It’s encouraging that this recently described heritable mutation causing familial DSPD is getting more attention. Most normal chronotypes (non-night owls) don’t even know DSPD is a thing. The Facebook groups for DSPD are full of truly emotional stories about how hard life with DSPD is. They are also full of people connecting over relief and validation that we’re neither freaks nor consciously at fault for our late schedules.
Unfortunately, accessible genetic testing is probably a long way away. It looks like 23andMe won’t tell you if you have this mutation; the variant rs184039278 that causes CRY1 Δ11 disappointingly isn’t part of their panel. Whole exome sequencing might work, or might not, depending on the capture kit. But if you suspect you have DSPD, my advice is to see a sleep doctor as soon as possible to get a diagnosis. You’ll get prescribed a morning light box like I did. Your brain will get tricked into thinking it’s later than it actually is. It’s not a cure, but life and the 9-5 should get a little bit easier.
Anyone looking for a cheap morning light box should consider a grow lamp. They are designed for plants but they work pretty well for humans too. You get a lot more power per dollar than the human ones which are usually at the bottom end of the required light output. If you pair it with a smart home relay (or microcontroller with relay module if you are so inclined) you can have it turn on automatically with your alarm.
I use a 100W 16x16 LED array grow lamp and if you're within 3ft it feels like a sunny day.
I also recommend if you think you might have DSPD that you get bloodwork for cortisol and prolactin. Some people who don't have the mutation still have the symptoms because their cortisol is permanently elevated (chronic stress) and only falls when they are exhausted. Both can be treated with a light box and relaxing activities in low light in the evening but if you have elevated cortisol you may also need to consider additional treatment option for chronic stress. It's also possible to have both because constantly being on a different sleep schedule to the rest of the world can cause chronic stress.
Can you tell us which LED grow lamp you use and which stand? I tried searching on Amazon but all of the product descriptions lie about their power usage.
I just investigated and it seems my 100W lamp is actually only 35W but they lie about power usage because it's supposed to be equivalent brightness to a 100W incandescent bulb. Should have coped it when I noticed there was no cooling system (though it does get very hot). Either way the lamp I use is a Black Shark B07QVGNGM8 and even at 35W I can confirm it's still blindingly bright.
I know it was a joke, but just in case: one grow-lamp turned on for an hour in the morning is unlikely to trigger alerts. Growers usually run several lamps, and they keep them on most of the day - long enough to be comfortably captured on thermal cameras, which police tend to use at night anyway.
I'm interested in trying to determine whether or not someone I know has this disorder by examining their 23andMe data (with their consent, of course). I imagine that it might be possible to write a program that does this for me, but I only have a high school-level understanding of genetics.
Can you recommend any resources for me to consult to try to accomplish this? Or do you think it would be too difficult for someone outside your field to attempt?
I see you mentioned that 23andMe data doesn't expose this result directly, but it seems like it might be in the full data export. If that's not the case, I suppose there's not much of an option.
23andMe doesn't do genome sequencing per se... they use a SNP array. It's basically a collection of DNA probes that each hybridize with a specific genetic variant. According to a forum I read, they don't have a probe for this specific CRY1 variant. So if your friend doesn't have the variant listed in their 23andMe tab-delimited list of variants, that doesn't mean they don't carry it.
You said you're interested in writing a program to look for this in the raw tab-delimited data. It would be totally doable! Just grep the tsv for the rs ID of interest. In this case it will be rs184039278. If doing more exploratory stuff, you'll probably want to connect variants with annotations. SNPedia has a database of descriptions of what the variants do. Biostars is a decent, dedicated resource for help with stuff like this.
I always tend to fall asleep after midnight. 00:30 on weekdays where I have to force myself to get out of bed to get to work, 02:30 on holidays or self-employed periods where I can allow myself to follow a rhythm that's closer to natural. I am most alert between 18:00 and 01:00. I am barely able to do brainy work before 12:00, and have just given up on trying to force it. If I'm forced to get up early multiple days in a row, my rhythm will shift slightly, but it comes back after a few days if there is no pressure.
My partner is the opposite. She'll be almost comically tired after 22:00, but will normally wake up around 05:00 and be super alert in the morning. Sometimes even earlier.
On our natural rhythms, we will cover all but two or three hours of the day awake, mostly with one person who is alert and performs excellently. This would be ridiculously useful in a more dangerous world than modern civilian society, and it comes in super useful on days when the routine is out of the ordinary. An active holiday, long car trips, errands that need to happen on odd hours etc.
It's not a disorder, it's an adaption. At least unless it gets more extreme than our experience. If society doesn't fit, then screw society. Honestly. Make room for those who don't hit the median, please.
What will happen is that big pharma will throw some pills on the market and do heavy marketing claiming that nightowlism is a severe disease that needs to be treated with “changing brain chemistry”, and night owls will be labeled as mentally ill or of weak character by society forever for their evolutionary adaptation. It already happens to an extend, night owls who can’t use their peak productivity hours around 2am because they have to adhere to some artificial schedule (often made by people who don’t have to do a lot of brainy things) are often on smart drugs during the day.
“This tells us we should be looking for drugs that bind to that pocket and can serve the same purpose as the cryptochrome tail.”
We don't yet know why this genetic variation exists, but we are leaping to the conclusion that we just need to drug these folks and force their bodies to work 'normally' and that's that.
I wish I were in a position to expand on why I think that's problematic, but I'm not. Ironically, I'm incredibly short of sleep myself at the moment and need to go try to get more sleep.
> We don't yet know why this genetic variation exists, but we are leaping to the conclusion that we just need to drug these folks and force their bodies to work 'normally' and that's that.
The normal way to deal with that is to make the medicine available but optional.
I have long used a metaphor I call "Pale Skin Disorder."
Imagine a world in which being Caucasian is treated like a Genetic Disorder and the world acts like you are weird and broken for not tolerating sunlight as well as others. In this world, everyone runs around nearly naked under a tropical sun and people with Pale Skin Disorder are constantly sunburned to the point of peeling and routinely die at very young ages of malignant skin cancer.
There's really a simple fix: Acting like being Caucasian is normal and covering up when out in the sun is normal etc. But not only will no one think of that solution if you view the issue as Pale Skin Disorder, the possibility that this fixes the problem will be actively and openly mocked while people decry what an inordinate burden it is to expect people to wear long sleeves and how desperately important it is to find a genetic intervention -- and never mind that genetic treatments are still new enough that we don't really know how awful the unintended side effects might be but we can guess "probably pretty freaking bad, to be honest."
Sickle Cell protects against malaria. As awful as it is, it persists because your survival with sickle cell was better with it than without it in some regions where malaria was a big issue. (Granted, it may be a case where having one copy of the gene is a good thing with minimal downside and two copies is "Damn, that suuuucks." But the mutation persists for a compelling survival reason and not actually because the butthead in charge of the universe is simply a sadistic jackass like I so often feel they are.)
Probably most major "genetic disorders" are adaptive to some degree and in some manner. And most drugs have significant side effects. If "tan in a pill" causes heart attacks or cuts off circulation to your toes such that they necrotize and fall off, welp, you can keep your damn "tan in a pill" as far as my pale ass is concerned.
Sickle cell trait (being heterozygous for the gene that replaces beta-globin with hemoglobin S) protects against anemia, and does not, in and of itself, produce sickle cell disease.
> As awful as it is, it persists because your survival with sickle cell was better with it than without it in some regions where malaria was a big issue.
It persists because being heterozygous for the sickle cell gene makes you much more likely to survive and reproduce where malaria is widespread. Actual sick cell disease, whether being homozygous for hemoglobin S (sickle cell anemia) or having some other defect on the other copy of the HBB gene while also having the sickle cell trait, IIRC, isn't a net advantage, even there.
Yes, I did try to make that distinction. Sorry I wasn't clearer.
At the individual level, having two copies of the gene is hell to pay. At the group survival level, the existence of the mutation is protective of group survival.
The word usage "drug these people" "force their bodies", indicated to me that she hadn't even considered the possibility of just making it available without forcing it, so I thought mentioning how it's usually done would be helpful.
"Scientists discover how a common mutation leads to ‘early bird’ sleep disorder
A new study by researchers at UC Santa Cruz shows how a genetic mutation throws off the timing of the biological clock, causing a common sleep syndrome called anticipated sleep phase disorder.
People with this condition are unable to stay awake until later in the evening (often falling asleep before 10 p.m.) and get up abnormally early in the morning..."
I'm sort of joking, but not quite. I can't think of an objective reason why being a 'night owl' is biologically an abnormality/deficiency. As many other commenters have pointed out, daily rhythms are socially/culturally imposed, not so much biologically determined.
There are many cultures (think of Mediterranean ones for example) where people routinely have late dinners and go to bed after midnight. Hard to imagine that entire countries are just biologically abnormal.
> It leads to being awake during dark hours, and humans do not have night vision.
Humans most definitely can see at night. Not as well as other animals, but we can do it. People also tend to actually stay awake in the dark, otherwise our sleeping times would vary quite a bit throughout the year - by this logic, if you live further up North you would have to sleep (almost) continuously throughout the winter.
I naturally go to sleep about 3am and wake up 9am. I tried different hours, but it was unsustainable. I would feel terrible the whole day as it is just to possible for me to fall asleep let's say at 11pm or even 1am. This was a horror for me and actually prompted to start my own business so I could be in charge of when I work. I was only able to find one employer before that, who was happy for me to come to work at 10 or 11. Different employers after a period of time would report that other staff feel that I am getting privileges and they also would want to come "when they please". So that would end up with me quitting. It's a shame that somehow 9-5 is embedded in our culture so strongly if you want to oppose it you are being viewed as if you were saying a blasphemy!
Years ago, I used to work a night shift job. Naturally this meant I had to shift my sleep to mostly day time hours. Around the time I noticed something interesting. People around me (friends, family) considered me lazy, avoidant etc. because while they would be doing things all day I was mostly trying to catch some sleep. I always found to odd, because most of these people knew I worked nights too.
That's perfect example of lazy thinking. They would see you catching sleep, but would never see you work and in their brain this would form as "he is lazy". The information that you work night shifts would get registered, but they would have to be informed with the same frequency as they see you sleep that you worked a night shift, otherwise after a day or two they would revert to thinking you are lazy. It is quite fascinating. I had the same problem with my partner - that is she would work night shifts and she wouldn't see me doing anything around the house, but I would do all the chores all the time. So if she came home in the evening and saw a little bit of rubbish that accumulated since the morning she would start making argument that I don't clean the house, but in the morning I did clean it. It helped when I started making a log on a sheet fixed to the fridge. I would always show her the log when she would come home. At the same time I had a feeling that she is not doing much and that I am doing all the chores. I wouldn't acknowledge that over the weekend she would do general cleaning as well that would take her almost as much time as myself doing chores over the week.
Man I wish 9-5 were acceptable here in the midwest. I wish I could move (I'm in my sandwich years now, caring for parents and teens in high school). Everyone here works farmer's hours and suggesting otherwise is equivalent to admitting you are a slacker.
Call it a mutational disorder if you will, I think I'm nocturnal mutant and proud of it.
Use of the the word "disorder" throughout is highly retrograde and silly. It's part of the human genome and like all genetic mutation it's value is relative to selective pressure. But why should we not value individuals who have nocturnal tendencies as strategic advantage in the spectrum of human ability?
Personality I must have inherited an extreme form of this mutation from my grandmother, who always seemed very proud of her nightowlishness. We often encountered eachother happily up to something or other past 2am.
On the other hand the outside world has been a challenge. I'm not really awake until 11am. Highschool was pure hell. I was always late to class and always in trouble for it. In college I worked night jobs and took late classes. A few times I made up my mind to let go of making myself wake up or go to bed at certain times and let my natural cycle happen. Within two weeks I was very happily awake until almost dawn every night and up at 2ish.
Oh so it's genetic. Don't know if it's that or something else, but I have this weird problem that it's as if my biological clock day is a bit longer than 24 hours. So if I don't discipline myself, if I go to bed whenever I want and wake up without an alarm, my sleep schedule goes to crap fairly quickly. Even if I do, it still drifts somewhat. At some point it becomes so bad that my waking hours are at night and vice versa. I then have to fix it by forcing myself to stay up all day because I live in a society that sleeps at night after all. Waking up for school and then university was a torture for me, too, but at least that kept my sleep schedule in check somewhat at the price of only ever getting enough sleep on the weekends.
> At some point it becomes so bad that my waking hours are at night and vice versa
This. One week I'm sleeping at night, some weeks later I've shifted to sleeping during the day. Then back to nights in a few weeks. Granted, this only happens when on my own -e.g.: working home and alone- otherwise I have to "adapt" by staying up all day, just like you. Not funny.
Kind of same here. I start functioning at 7 because the world doesn't care i need these these two hours. I still rarely fall asleep earlier than 12PM, and it takes perhaps a week for the lack of sleep to accumulate so i crash with a migraine at 9 or 8 PM. I love my kid but sleep is a fuck.
I think the normal cycle is actually more like 25 hours (what you get if you live in a cave and don't know what time it is outside), but certain impulses throughout the day push it into the 24 hour frame. Things like light, eating, exercise, habit for example.
It's really common among our types. There's an xkcd about it, naturally:
I do wonder, though. Is it that we're different, or is it just that we have a hobby that can easily keep us awake slightly longer than we should be night on night? Maybe more people have the same innate tendency to slip, but they have structures that keep them more on track, like watching scheduled TV etc. It would be interesting to see if there are more cases of bad sleeping patterns now that on-demand TV is more popular.
Most jobs require physical presence, synchronous communication, or both. IT requires neither despite what some managers say, so this is what sets us apart IMO. We're able to work detached from the rest of the society most of the time. There of course are owls among non-IT people, but they never have the freedom to break their sleep schedule like we do.
I wonder if European descent has something to do with this.
Northern Europe is very far north compared to other countries. For example, if you look at the globe, half of people in Canada live at the same lattitude as Croatia.
Europe is uniquely warm for its lattitude and it causes unique situation where we have strong growing season and very dark winters. If you are in agriculture, you would want to stay up for long in the winter to do some at home stuff.
The data seems kind of mixed on that. I would guess that the variant had little selective pressure - being grouchy and tired all the time isn't enough to kill people or prevent them from reproducing.
The variant is particularly frequent in Ashkenazi Jews (which says very little about any selective effects), but it seems to be more prevalent in African-descent people than Finns, and more prevalent in South Asians than Europeans. So it doesn't seem especially common in Europeans, or even particularly related to latitude/longitude.
> being grouchy and tired all the time isn't enough to kill people or prevent them from reproducing.
It may not be enough by itself, but it's easy to imagine it being the last straw so to speak. An alternative explanation could be that society needs a certain percent of night owls. That there is a niche in which it's beneficial.
It’s a huge mistake to go grasping for an adaptive explanation to every single mutation. The null hypothesis is that “this disorder doesn’t kill people before sexual maturity, or provide some reproductive gain” and there’s literally no evidence for anything else. You are speculating about a solution to something that isn’t actually a mystery.
And as I said in another comment, the disorder this mutation causes is not normal “sleep late, wake late” night owl syndrome.
If the variant is prevalent then I can only see two explanation: either it is(was at some point) adaptive, or there was some kind of founder effect - where a small group of people that just happened to have it and become hugely genetically successful for other reasons.
The thing is that it isn’t that prevalent! Please look at the link I posted with the data - almost every ethnic group listed has less than 1% prevalence. The group it is most prevalent in is Ashkenazi Jews (3.4%), who have an unusual history that discouraged cross-ethnic relationships for millennia, and who are prone to many recessive genetic disorders that would have otherwise been more diluted. These mutations are not so prevalent because Ashkenazi Jews needed them to survive European persecution: they are the consequence of said persecution.
There really does not have to be an adaptive explanation or an adaptive “coincidence” like you suggested with the founder effect. Please please please please look at the data.
A common misconception about natural selection is that it optimizes species. It’s really more about “this has bugs but it’s good enough to cut a release branch.”
Just want to mention this mistake. We are talking about a gene variant, not a trait. Phenotype inheritance is much more complicated than genotype inheritance.
It might be simpler explanation. Homo Sapiens evolved in Africa where there are no long winter nights and huge variations of daily cycle throughout the year. Also humans can do shit in sunlight only. Like hunt.
Then we moved to a different zone where there is longer nights and then we learned to do stuff that could be useful to be done "after hours". The pressure on good nights sleep immediately after dark lessened. Actually, people had to learn to work in the dark because in central and northern Europe there isn't much sunlight in the winter. Even in daytime there is usually overcast and no direct sunlight.
I'm sceptical to how much evolutionary pressure we can see evidence of going back just 100 000 years or so (at the point when we became truly social creatures, I think culture, passing on knowledge, technology and ideas became much more dominant for survival/procreation than mere genetics).
That said, I think the theory that you need someone awake to ward of nocturnal predators (be they human/homid or animal) has some merit. Being eaten beforepuberty does tend to cut a genetic line short.
Ed: a counter example of "modern" evolutionary pressure would be sicle anemia/malaria. A "technological" fix would be mosquito nets, relocation to a part of the world without malaria, etc.
Or eating koka/coffee to stay alert on late watch.
My favorite example of a (real) recent selective pressure is lactose tolerance, which is well-correlated with ancestry in regions that a) are prone to vitamin D deficiency (Northern Europe especially) and b) regions that have cows or sheep, regardless of sunlight. So in particular most of Africa is lactose-intolerant, but many pre-modern West African groups were pastoral herders and can digest lactose. It is a bit of a mystery how this happened: other lactose-intolerant groups still used milk to make yogurt and cheese with much less lactose, and it’s not clear why there would have been pressure for adults to drink raw milk - perhaps a water-borne disease caused a bottleneck?
There's a good book on the topic called "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Berkley. In it, it discusses how teens are biologically designed stay up much later than their parents would, with the theory that this is when they would have a chance to socialise and mate without the watchful eye of parents. Not only that, it reduces the time that a tribe would be open to attack or prededation - if everyone slept at the same time, there would be an 8 hour window of the day where humans would be incredibly vunerable. Presumably it would be favourable to have a few adults in the tribe to have a similar night-owl streak, to keep the tribe secure throughout the night.
The book really pushes the narative that making kids, and especially young teens wake up so early just to fit into an adults daily routinee is akin to child abuse, as it stunts their growth in ways - physically and mentally - that cannot be achieved by any means except through sleep deprivation.
I live in Poland and I spent my young years on a farm. In the winter you barely see any sunlight. There is nothing to do outside but plenty to do inside as you take care for the animals and do other stuff that you don't have time for in the summer.
I assume this has been the same for pretty much everybody in Europe for thousands of years except for the last couple of decades.
The link I posted is the data you are looking for. In particular it days that the DPSD mutation is more common in Africans than in Finnish people, and more common in South Asians than Europeans. The lengths of days and nights seems to have nothing to do with the prevalence of the mutation.
So these “evolutionary adaptation” explanations are a) not supported by the data and b) unnecessary to begin with!
A simple explanations: the genetic difference that regulates the biological clock is tiny, which makes variations common, because on the perspective of millions of years such variance is useful, as it increases adaptability and thereby surviveability of the species.
Massive increase in hunters during the day? Small mammal ancestor of humanity becomes a creature of the night within few generations. Sudden ice age, night activity is energy expensive, so curl up, sleep, and search food during day is the best strategy? Adapting quickly to such changes is a benefit. To get that benefit the mutation must be common.
I don't think that there are benefits in stay up longer in winter, more like the opposite. It's cold and dark. Standard adaptation is actually to sleep for longer in order to conserve energy.
Staying up longer in summer may be beneficial, but this does not seem to be the effect of this mutation.
I pray that this becomes more well known and accepted. For as long as I could remember, I have been uncomfortable (to say the least) with a normal sleeping schedule. School life was literally the worst, having to wake up at 8am. And this stuff has to be genetic. My mother has it, and so does my sister. I have also heard anecdotes from my mother about her father struggling to sleep at night as well.
As a night owl, I feel blessed that I have a flexible work-from-home job. If I was forced to get up at 6-7AM and travel, I'd be sleep-deprived for years. So hopefully with more companies offering permanent WFH options, this is going to become more well-accepted.
This is truly a blessing. On my last job with normal working hours, I would be sleep deprived for weeks on end. I would literally sleep all day on the weekends. It was the worst, and I could only do it for 4 months.
I've always been a night owl. All the way into my late 20s I never got up earlier than midday and went to sleep in the small hours. But now I don't. I get up at the same time every day and try not to stay up too late at night. This has dramatically improved my happiness and performance. Back then I used to be depressed. It's a lonely life when you're nocturnal. There were days in the winter where I literally wouldn't see any daylight for days at a time.
I remember reading about delayed sleep phase disorder and non-24 disorder and thinking I must have it. It made me think this was somewhat normal and even made me think I might be a victim of sorts. But really what has fixed this for me is just discipline and structure. No drugs. No therapy. No crying about my woes and how difficult it is for someone like me. Just good old-fashioned discipline.
I've similarly shifted my sleep patterns to more normal hours compared to my 20s, but I think a lot of it is just down to a natural shift in sleep cycles with age. At least, I tried quite hard to change my sleep patterns in my 20s and failed, whereas now in my 30s they've changed without much effort on my part.
The article talks about different papers. The newest paper is about the mechanism of the molecular clock, but the one that found the mutation is "Mutation of the Human Circadian Clock Gene CRY1 in Familial Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder" from 2017.
The mutation is described in that last paper as "CRY1 c.1657+3A>C".
I'm a pretty bad night owl, so I'm currently trying to figure out whether my 23andme data can tell me anything about that locus.
update: I think the CRY1 gene location is chromosome 12, position range 106,991,364 - 107,093,872, and I guess the "1657" is an offset from either the start or the end. But I don't seem to have any raw 23andme data (genotyping chip v2) in that range. On the other hand, I do get some SNPs if I search for "CRY1" via their website, so I'm obviously doing something wrong.
update 2: SNPedia has the mutation listed as Rs184039278. I don't have data about it, but maybe newer versions of the 23andme chip or other genotyping platforms do.
I'm a little confused by your comment. As far as I understand, a "missense" mutation is a basic one nucleotide change which results in a change of one amino acid for the encoded protein.
23andme uses a "Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array" to find single nucleotide changes at certain locations, so isn't that exactly the type of thing they are detecting?
Imagine a world where no one would want to take the night shift.
I always thought Early Bird/Night Owl were just two different modes, like right or left handedness.
But while right and left handedness appear to be +/- selectively neutral (these days at least), a percentage of night owls in society would appear to confer a selective advantage.
Having a potential oral medication would give night owls a new superpower: An ability to switch shifts at the drop of the hat; or at least much more easily than the early birds.
In industrial programming you often need to take the customer's shifts into account; so this could be useful to a few colleagues of mine!
WFH orders during COVID19 have been a kind of blessing, with regard to my DSPD. I can sleep in an extra hour or two and hit that 8AM meeting 5 minutes after I wake up. When we have to go back to the office in June, I'm going to have a problem though.
I work in tech, but I live in Michigan and work for the auto industry where the norm seems to be to wake up at 4 and start work with the farmers at 6 AM. I'm a "late" morning person since I prefer to start at 8 or 9.
This has been held against me my entire 25 year career. 15 more to go and then I can sleep how the hell I want.
Do we have the SNP on SNPedia for this mutation? As a night owl (I tend to sleep later and later every night until 6-7am at which point I try to force myself to sleep early again and get jetlagged for a few days), I'm very curious if I have it...
I had this pretty bad for decades, but I don't have it any more. I'm not sure how that reconciles with its being a genetic mutation, but if anyone were to tell me that I am genetically nocturnal I would absolutely believe it. Starting in my teens for decades, I would regularly be wide awake at 4 in the morning, and if I had a choice, my clock would drift so that I would naturally wake up around 1 in the afternoon.
I read an article on, I think it was LifeHacker, back when it was a new thing years and years and years ago. The title was something like "I taught myself to be an early riser" and the advice changed my life. If I could find the article, I would write a personal letter thanking the author. Given my experience, I suspect that even if you do have a genetic predisposition to stay up late and sleep late, that it can be reset, so you can wake up as early as you want. Nowadays, I rarely sleep past 7 in the morning, and I never need an alarm to wake up. I wake up reasonably cheerful and clear-headed. Here's the advice, as I remember it. It may work for you.
1. First, want to be an early riser. In a way, that's the only step. When you wake up in the morning, your desire to be an early riser must override the physical pain and exhaustion that you will inevitably feel. You're going to want to roll over and go back under those warm, warm covers. No. Get up. Because you want this.
2. Stay up as late as you want! Yep. Read, play video games, code, do whatever it is you want to do as late as you want to do it. Heck, don't go to sleep if you want. Go to sleep only when you're ready.
Those two steps are basically it, and anything else is just elaboration. If you stay up late, you will feel miserable the next day, but that's okay! Grind through. There are worse things. That night, when you start feeling peppy again, great! Stay up. Stay up as late as you want. But stick solidly to rule #1. Get up, because you want it.
Eventually, after the inevitable bouts of backsliding and days of exhaustion, your body will adjust to the new schedule and ... go to sleep at a more normal time.
You should start to see results within the first week, but I can say that I only could reasonably say I'm an early riser after several years of wanting it.
I long thought having different school starting/ending times is the way to go. Like one cohort starting at 8 and another starting at 10 or even 11. Standing up at 8 is hard for me and I'm happy to be in a job where I can start working at 10, but here in Bavaria school starts at 08:15 and I had to set my alarm to 06:30 for a huge part of my life even tho I rarely fell asleep before 00:30,sometimes much later. The result was that I regularly missed a day of school, because I was just too tired to go. Luckily my parents were supportive.
Also my performance on the 8am classes was much worse than on later classes. In university I skipped all 8am lectures and even skipped early exams and waited for a "better scheduled" exam.
The worst part about it was how non-understanding all the early-birds are. They just didn't grasp that asking me to be awake and productive at 8am was like asking them to do work after 11pm and that "just go to bed earlier" isn't a working solution. Just ignorance of a different rythm.