Separate point, but I absolutely loathe on-screen keyboards. They reduce my phone typing speed to literally 5% of what it used to be on my old Nokia or Blackberry.
Case in point - this comment would have taken me no more than 20 seconds to type, compared with over a minute on this ridiculous iPhone keyboard that gets every third or fourth letter wrong, and just randomly decides to capitalise words in the middle of a sentence.
I’ve been gifted my last few phones, but the next one I buy, I will seriously consider one with a hardware keyboard.
Case in point - this comment would have taken me no more than 20 seconds to type, compared with over a minute on this ridiculous iPhone keyboard that gets every third or fourth letter wrong, and just randomly decides to capitalise words in the middle of a sentence.
I’ve been gifted my last few phones, but the next one I buy, I will seriously consider one with a hardware keyboard.