> You don't need fair use for something that isn't copyright worthy like an API.
This is true. However, bear in mind, Google argued that 1. APIs weren't copyrightable and 2. that if they were, their usage was fair. In this ten year court nightmare, they've lost fair use and of course, are likely about to lose on copyrightability.
If the Supreme Court rules for Oracle, Android is copyright-infringing, it's already failed on the fair use claim. But most non-commercial projects would still have a fairly compelling case for fair use.
Note that your "copied a book" analogy is poor for a bunch of reasons: Chapter headlines... are copyrightable. (Though the "amount of work copied" is a fair use pillar, so it's possible to lift chapter headlines fairly.) And it fails to account for the functional nature of APIs which is under debate for copyrightability.
> If the Supreme Court rules for Oracle, Android is copyright-infringing
You mean was copyright-infringing. Harmony was dropped years ago, and Android has been rebased onto Oracle's own anointed, conflict-free codebase.
And you dodged the previous question where the commenter was asking for an honest assessment of mobile Java. You responded to a question that wasn't answered by talking about being unable to undo the past—which only makes sense if they had been pressing you for an answer to what would happen if Google called it a wrap on Android today, but that wasn't the question. Which brings us to another thing.
People who complain about Google's use of the Java APIs can't seem to get their arguments straight. That includes Gosling + the subset of the Sun/Oracle fan club who sat on the stand during trial + and the perennial commenters who parrot the same talking points on Hacker News. They (you) all complain about Android ripping off Java (to the tune of a multi-billion dollar copyright infringement lawsuit), but invariably the argument comes around to the real thing that's bothering them and which they try to wrap up in a bunch of claims about infringement—and what's actually got everyone (besides the money grubbers) fuming is the intentional incompatibility—in other words, that Android didn't copy enough! You wanna try squaring that circle? Which brings us to another another thing.
Android today is now based on the "proper" codebase, as mentioned above. How? Because it's open source. And it's been open source the whole time. It uses a different open source license, but it's open source nonetheless. Which means no one actually ever needed to get Sun or Oracle's permission to do anything. All the incompatibilities of Android? There's nothing that keeps the same breaking changes from being made in our hypothetical world where Android used the blessed license instead of the one from their preferred implementation. That difference does not suddenly force the hand of Google—or anyone—to keep dragging around Oracle/Sun's failed attempt at a mobile platform and maintaining compatibility with it.* It's GPL. Modifications are allowed. So reset from the beginning, bypass the Harmony detour, and everything still plays out exactly the same. Sun's platform still starts off where it was the whole time, in the gutter, and in that vacuum, Android becomes a thing, with incompatible APIs and all. And Oracle's infringement angle now disappears completely. Even if you're deluded enough to tell yourself that the platform Sun cooked up had a real shot (it didn't) before Google "obliterated" them, the market looks the same as it does today in favor of Android. So how much of those imaginary losses are actually the result of any infringement? I'll fill in the blank: the answer is none.
This is true. However, bear in mind, Google argued that 1. APIs weren't copyrightable and 2. that if they were, their usage was fair. In this ten year court nightmare, they've lost fair use and of course, are likely about to lose on copyrightability.
If the Supreme Court rules for Oracle, Android is copyright-infringing, it's already failed on the fair use claim. But most non-commercial projects would still have a fairly compelling case for fair use.
Note that your "copied a book" analogy is poor for a bunch of reasons: Chapter headlines... are copyrightable. (Though the "amount of work copied" is a fair use pillar, so it's possible to lift chapter headlines fairly.) And it fails to account for the functional nature of APIs which is under debate for copyrightability.