> Else they will have just pressure to improve it to a point where it happens rarely and then stop there because its not worth the development cost.
As ever, perfect is the enemy of good. Are there currently zero fatalities on the roads because cars are 100% safe? Or have they been developed to an acceptable standard of safety?
Oh its never going to be perfect (imo).
And agree with you that good solution now is better than perfect never.
But we need to set initiatives in a way that manufacturers will be improving over time. They won't do it out of goodness of their hart, and quite possible marketing and good PR will be more impactfull on sale than 0.5% safer AI
I have 0 trust that market itself will solve this issue.
That could lead to situation where, cars that you bought, wont be useful couple of years after you bought them in case ai company doesn't deliver.
I have even less faith for politicians to not extend grace periods in face of organized backslash(probably paid and bought by companies themself), making them infinite.
Yes, but the legal entity behind the driving of the car needs to be hold legal liable. (i.e. the AI provider)
Hand over to driver can be required but the driver needs to have reasonable time to adapt to the situation (multiple seconds).
Only with this can we make sure that companies providing driving AIs give their best to make sure they don't kill.
Else they will have just pressure to improve it to a point where it happens rarely and then stop there because its not worth the development cost.