That's not a dichotomy though. There's money, there's "making the best browser possible", there's "changing the world through activism" and there are plenty more goals. I understand those that criticize the activism would prefer them focusing on building the best browser.
I can't say if it's in a good or bad way, I guess it would depend on the individual case. I just know it's extremely hard to be true to your stated purpose when incentives push you in other directions.
Please don't reframe my words. Nowhere did I state that "mozilla's politics are just corporate speak". I don't know enough about Mozilla's politics, to make that statement.
What I did was to point out what reading that page felt to me, and to point out that Principle 5 has been recently broken by Mozilla. If you have something to say to that, please do, but don't put words in my mouth.
> I don't know enough about Mozilla's politics, to make that statement.
And yet you feel qualified to tell us whether we should or shouldn't be political. When pointed out to that we are a fundamentally political organization you shift the goalposts to webextension support (another tick on the HN mozilla bingo card).
250 people lost their job today. Most of whom worked for Mozilla for political reasons, because they believe in the manifesto. But by all means please tell us why our motivations for working here are wrong.
> But by all means please tell us why our motivations for working here are wrong.
I guess among the work offers you had when you made your employment choice, Mozilla's was the best. Would you still work at Mozilla if you were getting paid half of your current salary? How about 10%?
And who is this "us" you keep referring to? Have you been elected representative for a group of Mozillians?
Yes you have. You have made the implication that I'm asking you to act according to my wishes/opinions. I can hold an opinion without asking you to act according to my wishes/opinions. I hope you can see the difference. I don't know how to express it so it comes across more clearly.
Quite clearly we are discussing your opinion and I've never claimed you're demanding we act according to your wishes. You are the one putting words in people's mouths.
> Honestly I wish we had more activists pursuing something else than money.
This is very hard to do without money. Money gives you freedom. If you lack money, other parties can use money, and whatever money can buy, as leverage against you – to stop whatever you are pursuing.