You're missing the nuance. Doxxing is not a crime nor is it a call to action. Do news stations censor the names of alleged criminals or even suspects out of some juvenile fear that a mob is going to rise up and take swift extra-judicial action? No. People are free to allege whatever they want. And in the case of Krebs, it happens to be his job. Reasonable citizens should not harass, threaten, or otherwise harm an innocent-until-proven-guilty person. Taking up an internet moniker does not enter you into some sacred contract with society whereby you shall never be exposed. I'm sick of treating issues like the rest of the world is a cesspool of ravenous lunatics and they can't be trusted to act like adults. Like there's a global expectation of ill intent. I know recent times have demonstrated otherwise but it's no excuse. We need to hold people who actually abuse others accountable for their actions not tread lightly around them because they are scary. Full disclosure for all. Full accountability for all. Confront the boggy-people.