I don't think this is the problem people usually complain about.
The much bigger problem is that spaces make text-only commands compose badly.
$ ls -l `find ./ -name *abc*`
Is going to work very nicely if file names have certain properties (no spaces, no special chars), and it's going to break badly if they don't. Quoting is also very simple in simple cases, but explodes in complexity when you add variables and other commands into the mix.
That's still just a shell problem since the shell is expanding `find` and placing the unquoted result into the command line. Some non-POSIX shells don't have this issue. For example with murex you could use either of these two syntaxes:
ls -l ${find ./ name *abc*}
# return the result as a single string
ls -l @{find ./ name *abc*}
# return the result as an array (like Bourn shell)
So in the first example, the command run would look something like:
ls -l "foo abc bar"
whereas in the second it would behave more like Bourne shell:
ls -l foo abc bar
As an aside, the example you provided also wouldn't work in Bourne shell because the asterisks would be expanded by the shell rather than `find`. So you'd need to quote that string:
ls -l `find ./ -name "*abc*"`
This also isn't a problem in murex because you can specify whether to audo-expand globbing or not.
With POSIX shells you end up with quotation mark soup:
ls -l "`find ./ -name '*abc*'`"
(and we're lucky in this example that we don't need to nest any of the same quotation marks. It often gets uglier than this!)
Murex also solves this problem by supporting open and close quote marks via S-Expression-style parentheses:
ls -l (${find ./ -name (*abc*)})
Which is massively more convenient when you'd normally end up having to escape double quotes in POSIX shells.
Now I'm not trying to advocate murex as a Bash-killer, my point is that it's specifically the design of POSIX shells that cause these problems and not the way Unix pipelines work.
The much bigger problem is that spaces make text-only commands compose badly.
Is going to work very nicely if file names have certain properties (no spaces, no special chars), and it's going to break badly if they don't. Quoting is also very simple in simple cases, but explodes in complexity when you add variables and other commands into the mix.