I have no experience with modern cloud services, professional or otherwise. I come from simple webdev for small scale apps work, involving small business clients. My experience managing things on remote servers involves, third party hosting companies that handle the infrastructure so we don't have to worry about data center uptime. Control panel GUIs like cPanel, Plesk are commonplace, to manage DNS and set up cron jobs, alongside GUIs for relational databases like PHP MyAdmin, and the occasional SSH into the server.
What is the best analogue to cloud services to Azure, AWS and GCP? I want to get skilled in at least one of them, explained in terms that can make sense for someone who has only used these older hosting tools. Perhaps to demonstrate a one-to-one analogue to the concepts found in cloud storage and computing for making the transition from this older form of website management.
Seems as a good suit for you to start with. They have control panel and automation of some infrastructure management processes, so you can get started even without profound technical cloud expertise and dive deeper eventually.