It may happen quite infrequently, and only because it happened in a large, lifeless (but 'nutrient' rich bath) did it have a chance to amplify. What's interesting to me is that it only has to happen once.
Yes, Earth's specialness is interesting, too, and counts for what I believe are the best reasons to believe in God. Earth has so many amazing qualities: it is a cozy distance from the Sun (temp), tilted quite a bit (seasons), with a molten core (cosmic ray protection) and a huge moon (tides, nocturnal light). All of these may be necessary conditions for life to arise, and they are all, as far as we know, quite rare individually, and astronomically unlikely in combination.
It may happen quite infrequently, and only because it happened in a large, lifeless (but 'nutrient' rich bath) did it have a chance to amplify. What's interesting to me is that it only has to happen once.
Yes, Earth's specialness is interesting, too, and counts for what I believe are the best reasons to believe in God. Earth has so many amazing qualities: it is a cozy distance from the Sun (temp), tilted quite a bit (seasons), with a molten core (cosmic ray protection) and a huge moon (tides, nocturnal light). All of these may be necessary conditions for life to arise, and they are all, as far as we know, quite rare individually, and astronomically unlikely in combination.