1. We want to do multiple things at once (very rare, very limited, let's say we have 5 such things, Gmail, Slack, Gitlab, monitoring, etc.)
2. We want to have websites preloaded and ready to go as soon as we get to that tab (often)
3. We want to "bookmark" links temporarily without actually saving them into our Bookmarks (this goes hand in hand with point 2. but not always)
4. Observation: large numbers of pre-opened tabs will stay opened for a very long time until we actually find the time to get to them, consuming memory, tab bar space, as well as our mental space as we have their tab icons visible.
So I think based on the above, an ideal tab management system would:
- understand "sessions/groups/trees", e.g. I opened HN and alt+clicked on links and discussions that interest me as I went through the list
- gave me an opportunity to transfer such "trees" to another browser window, session, computer
- had an option to automatically, or on a command, archive (and later restore from) these into a tab history, which would retain the hierarchy
- had other functionality that I cannot foresee at this moment
Additionally, the browser should probably load & pause a background tab once its opened using alt+click, and only run it once its actually opened by the user.
Reminds me of the chrome extension I made for myself that will close all tabs with the same domain as the active tab. Usually I end up with many reddit tabs open and I want to close all the tabs I opened except for the home page that I'm currently on.
I open new tabs because I want to branch the information that I am looking at to see some thing related to some thing I have just seen. I want to cross reference information that I am reading. I might lookup a quora answer to a question when someone talks about some thing I don't know about. Or use a dictionary. Each tab is an inquiry for me.
I see web browsers as digital magazine renderers. Each tab is a new magazine or magazine page. The web isn't very composable, clicking on a link takes me to a new magazine page, complete with its own design and own design language. There's no way to interrupt the browser at a particular point where I am reading in the magazine and have it introduce other cross referenced content within the article I am already reading. I have to go to a separate tab and separate page for it.
This is pretty close to what I get out of Tree Style Tab + Auto Tab Discard on Firefox. I haven't found any Chrome extensions with the same convenience for managing tabs. Tabs Outliner is close but the fact that it's not bound to each window makes it pretty inconvenient to use.
1. We want to do multiple things at once (very rare, very limited, let's say we have 5 such things, Gmail, Slack, Gitlab, monitoring, etc.)
2. We want to have websites preloaded and ready to go as soon as we get to that tab (often)
3. We want to "bookmark" links temporarily without actually saving them into our Bookmarks (this goes hand in hand with point 2. but not always)
4. Observation: large numbers of pre-opened tabs will stay opened for a very long time until we actually find the time to get to them, consuming memory, tab bar space, as well as our mental space as we have their tab icons visible.
So I think based on the above, an ideal tab management system would:
- understand "sessions/groups/trees", e.g. I opened HN and alt+clicked on links and discussions that interest me as I went through the list
- gave me an opportunity to transfer such "trees" to another browser window, session, computer
- had an option to automatically, or on a command, archive (and later restore from) these into a tab history, which would retain the hierarchy
- had other functionality that I cannot foresee at this moment
Additionally, the browser should probably load & pause a background tab once its opened using alt+click, and only run it once its actually opened by the user.
Edit: formatting