That makes updating your direct dependencies harder. If you upgrade to using newer version of something, and that things dependencies have changed, you have to manually figure out which dependencies in requirements.txt were for it, and update or remove those etc.
> It’s easy to also get the versions of all sub dependencies and put them in requirements.txt
Is it easy to automatically do this when you want a new package version, without having to remember to do it? Is it easier to put together this process and train other developers in it and be diligent in its use? Is all of that easier than installing an application that has a similar interface to other tools, that does all that for you, and has a community of people to help with issues?
But then you're suddenly responsible for keeping track of your subdependencies and updating the versions of each that you want. That should be up to the dependencies.
Also if you manage to drop a dependency, you don't have an easy way to remove the things from requirements.txt that are only there because they're a subdependency.
Putting it all in one requirements.txt is just too simplistic.
It also adds dependency management. If one subdependency is library_a > 1.0, and another is library_b < 2.0 while also e.g. 2.1 exists, then it will try to find a version between 1.0 and 2.0. Pip doesn't do that.
So in my mind, that's what pipenv is -- pip, virtualenv, those two files, plus dependency management.