And yet here you are. I'm interested how you would perceive something that might supercede the internet by being better (than a boiling toilet fueled by greed), ignoring network effects?
Everyone has to be somewhere. I would not be surprised to find someone, who feels like the modern internet as it exists is terrible, on hacker news. I believe the sentiment is more common here than say, the comments section on CNN.
I like the approach taken by the folks at the dat project and beaker browser. Let's make the web a DHT already. If we can force consumers to share what they consume then a DDOS becomes impractical for censoring speech (the speech spreads all over the network, making it counterproductive).
Exactly what I'm thinking. Not everything is awful but the insistence of turning the browser into a vm and loading random javascript is pure insane. I'm not advocating for stoneage html and frames but let's take a step back and realize that not every website has to be an interactive webpage some designer dreamed up. I want information, not entertainment or an experience. The experience is what I take away from the information, not the clown paint smeared all over it for show.
The Internet of the early 2000s was consumed by greed. What changes would you make to its replacement to prevent the exact same pattern from repeating?
Popular native apps could execute the same exact attack, except this time you wouldn't be able to simply open a browser's developer console to debug it.