It seems there will be constant battles until enough of society is educated enough where they know what they will take a stand for, accept, and what they won't - in part so they are able to elect politicians who are the gatekeepers, on "both sides" - who will eliminate and watch, protect against these efforts or mechanisms of bad actors. The first step is "getting money out of politics" - which is likely an impossible task, why I like Presidential candidate Andrew Yang's Democracy Dollars proposal, giving $100/year for eligible voters to contribute to political candidate of their choice - which will wash out lobbyist money 8:1 - meaning $5 billion from lobbyists will be countered by $30 billion of resources from voters; at minimum it will facilitate not just the narrative that mainstream media and the two-party system has been able to control with establishment politicians.
There certainly could be some of that - however I imagine that behaviour will still be washed out with the overall quantity. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.