> It's not so simple as good and crooked. How can you even traceback which politician gave which authority to what regulator,
It doesn't matter who gave authority to the regulator, what matters is whether or not they are currently responsible for that regulator, and are doing a good job of it.
There's a congressional committee on pretty much every department under the sun. Follow the chain of command.
> and how can you possibly know that the opposing candidate would do a better job?
"Billy really sucks at doing his job, but we can't fire him because we don't know if we hire someone worse" isn't a good reason to keep Billy employed. Keep sacking the ones that are doing a terrible job, until you find one that does a good one.
"Steve is our best salesman but he keeps burning popcorn in the microwave. Joe Janitor just put in his resume: I don't know if he's better with the popcorn but let's fire Steve anyway."
It doesn't matter who gave authority to the regulator, what matters is whether or not they are currently responsible for that regulator, and are doing a good job of it.
There's a congressional committee on pretty much every department under the sun. Follow the chain of command.
> and how can you possibly know that the opposing candidate would do a better job?
"Billy really sucks at doing his job, but we can't fire him because we don't know if we hire someone worse" isn't a good reason to keep Billy employed. Keep sacking the ones that are doing a terrible job, until you find one that does a good one.