Initially you may worry about karma (as I did too) but we have to realise it does not exist (and that it does not matter)!
I now appreciate down votes and see it as a way for the community to 'teach me' (not in a negative way par se but as a guiding/helping hand) in the simplest way possible.
That brings up an interesting idea - karma is used to rank stories and comments, and make sure more interesting content is more visible. But the "game" aspect of karma (trying to make the top posters list, trying to appear a the top of threads) probably encourages some unhelpful behavior.
If users really shouldn't care about their karma, would the site be served better by not making karma visible at all, for users or for comments? You could keep upvotes and downvotes, and even let users know their own karma and how their own comments are rated (so they know when their contributions are being rewarded), but their would be no high-score table of top users, and users would only be able to guess at a post or a comments karma based on where it appears on the page.
This would take away the motivation some people have to contribute high-quality comments - I'm not sure whether the net result would be positive or negative.
Part of this discussion needs to include a serious discussion of what this site's core goals are. If this site were a web startup that needed to get high traffic, than a game-like system that gets posters addicted to writing comments to try and boost their karma makes sense. If the site is more about making sure it has the highest quality content possible for its original niche target audience, than that would make this approach less appropriate.
I've also learned from this. But sometimes it's hard because you are left guessing "why" someone downmodded you. For instance, I've recently been left thinking that I can be too brief with comments...but I'm not sure that is true. An intelligent and knowledgeable crowd needs and wants less wordiness.
I have learned to stay away from political discussions. Ouch!
I now appreciate down votes and see it as a way for the community to 'teach me' (not in a negative way par se but as a guiding/helping hand) in the simplest way possible.