No one can really answer this for you. Can you live without a paycheck? Can your family help pay for your necessities? e.g. you could go dependent under your parents for insurance till you are 25 and unemployed.
Then after that is answered, ask yourself will your idea if delayed by 6-12 months will be executed by someone else?
My Personal experience: I graduated college 7 years ago, I have had a steady job for the past 7 years and was able to save some money. When the startup bug bit me last year, I continued to work a full-time consulting gig while working on my idea. This was a bad move on my part, because I always found myself some how busy, tired, not motivated enough to work the "night-shift". The passion was there but execution was tough to maintain at times. So I finally quit 3 weeks ago and went full-time, while dedicating 100% of my savings to my startup (I don't have that much saved up due to college loans, CC bills, and other obligations). I have enough to run me for 4 - 6 months of not needing a job..after that who knows.
BUT...the past 3 weeks have been AMAZING, working 14 hour days on just my idea is rewarding, less-tiring, fun, exciting, and it NEVER feels like 14 hours!!
So my suggestion, make sure your necessities are covered..quit..and get your idea out the door..the big corporate jobs will always be there in the future...but at least if you find yourself back there you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried.
He's nailed it. Keep your rent paid and do it. You won't regret having tried this when you are 85, but you will have regret it if you didn't at least give it a shot.
We are still building the product, and so I don't want to put the link here - not yet, anyways :) Once we have an alpha or private beta I'll ask for people to help out.
Then after that is answered, ask yourself will your idea if delayed by 6-12 months will be executed by someone else?
My Personal experience: I graduated college 7 years ago, I have had a steady job for the past 7 years and was able to save some money. When the startup bug bit me last year, I continued to work a full-time consulting gig while working on my idea. This was a bad move on my part, because I always found myself some how busy, tired, not motivated enough to work the "night-shift". The passion was there but execution was tough to maintain at times. So I finally quit 3 weeks ago and went full-time, while dedicating 100% of my savings to my startup (I don't have that much saved up due to college loans, CC bills, and other obligations). I have enough to run me for 4 - 6 months of not needing a job..after that who knows.
BUT...the past 3 weeks have been AMAZING, working 14 hour days on just my idea is rewarding, less-tiring, fun, exciting, and it NEVER feels like 14 hours!!
So my suggestion, make sure your necessities are covered..quit..and get your idea out the door..the big corporate jobs will always be there in the future...but at least if you find yourself back there you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried.