But that's my point. It wasn't that his advice wasn't wrongheaded or flat ignorant, it was your reaction.
"Oh, No! You have no _right_ to change your mind!" It's a blog post. It has as much legitimacy and authority over marketplaces as the entire CNBC network, i.e. none at all. Time and again, we see people on these so-called business networks doling out terribly wrong advice that, if followed, would cost you dearly, even in the short term (e.g., Jim Cramer's infamous "long on Bear Stearns" rant only a week before it went out of business). Cramer is a guy that's been a hedge fund manager and stock prognosticator for as long as some of us on HN (not me, mind you) have been alive and for some reason is just as stunningly ignorant of future events in the market as a market newbie.
This is the world that we live in now. We'll all just have to accept the fact that there are people who document everything that is going on in their minds, whether it's what they ate for lunch to their forex trading strategy to their insistence on voting for only old white Protestant men. Nothing OP did was immoral or illegal. It was content. Information, no matter how right or wrong, wants to be free. And, you're free to opine on it, and I on yours.
Of course the poster has a right to change his mind. I said I wasn't letting him off the hook so easily. Totally different things, and I agree with you completely on your point while standing by my original one.
"Oh, No! You have no _right_ to change your mind!" It's a blog post. It has as much legitimacy and authority over marketplaces as the entire CNBC network, i.e. none at all. Time and again, we see people on these so-called business networks doling out terribly wrong advice that, if followed, would cost you dearly, even in the short term (e.g., Jim Cramer's infamous "long on Bear Stearns" rant only a week before it went out of business). Cramer is a guy that's been a hedge fund manager and stock prognosticator for as long as some of us on HN (not me, mind you) have been alive and for some reason is just as stunningly ignorant of future events in the market as a market newbie.
This is the world that we live in now. We'll all just have to accept the fact that there are people who document everything that is going on in their minds, whether it's what they ate for lunch to their forex trading strategy to their insistence on voting for only old white Protestant men. Nothing OP did was immoral or illegal. It was content. Information, no matter how right or wrong, wants to be free. And, you're free to opine on it, and I on yours.